Tom Vandenbosch

In response to Pitch your solution.

How would this solution help with codifying, validating and showcasing the 1,000 solutions?

JG JG Jenny Gore

We had some concerns with the proposal to develop a repository to showcase the 1,000 solutions. We believe other organisations, like EEF, are better positioned (and already providing this service) to deliver the technical solution sought by the challenge question.

We deliberately chose to “disrupt” the challenge by instead tackling the broader question of how to support teachers to deliver improved learning outcomes. Our solution can contribute to the conceptual codifying of 1000 solutions and to helping schools design solutions. It also provides a mechanism for increasing the impact of solutions by building capacity for quality teaching.

Interestingly, several judges posed questions to other teams which suggested they too echoed our concerns about building a repository to showcase 1,000 solutions without quality assurance or accounting for the needs of teachers many of whom are already overwhelmed and/or have limited internet access.

Our Quality Teaching Model is an evidence-backed solution that, at its heart, promotes teachers and teaching, is low tech, easy to scale and equitable in the outcomes it produces.

Tom Vandenbosch

In response to How does or will your solution fund its work?

Funding of $20M for impacting 1,650 teachers translates into a cost of $12,121 per teacher. It is not clear how this could be funded at scale and how the cost per teacher would evolve.

JG JG Jenny Gore

The AUD $20M funding of our Building Capacity for Quality Teaching in Australian Schools project covers a comprehensive program of research, scaling and business development that includes:

• Two developmental evaluations to support scaling of QTR
• Four randomised controlled trials of Quality Teaching Rounds in different forms and different educational contexts
• Independent oversight and independent evaluation of RCTs
• Longitudinal research of impact over time
• Seed funding for the establishment of the Quality Teaching Academy to enable delivery of high quality professional learning (QT and QTR) for teachers everywhere

We’re not proposing a simple roll out of Quality Teaching Rounds professional development to the schools in the Schools2030 community. Instead we propose using the Quality Teaching Model as a framework to codify schools’ solutions (to what extent do they address pedagogy? To what extent do they address the dimensions and elements of the model, which are linked with improvement in student outcomes?). Perhaps more importantly, the Model could be used as a low-tech, easily accessible and scalable solution to building the capacity for quality teaching in the ten target nations.

The “Gold Standard” version of Quality Teaching Rounds professional development involves at least 2 teachers from a school attending a two-day workshop, followed by four days of in-school Rounds with 2 more teachers. Deloitte Access Economics conducted an independent cost benefit analysis and found Quality Teaching Rounds to be “very low cost” returning significant benefits to gross state product uplift (at least $40 for every dollar expended). Please note that this is a most conservative estimate of benefit, given that it is based on all four teachers attending the workshop and only accounts for benefits to each teacher’s current class of students, not subsequent cohorts. We do not envisage running the PD in this way in the Schools2030 context.

We invite you to read the Deloitte report here: https://qtacademy.edu.au/a-deloitte-access-economics-cost-benefit-analysis/

Any proposed roll out of Quality Teaching Rounds, or a modified form of Quality Teaching professional development, into new international education contexts would need to be piloted, adapted and evaluated to ensure it had the desired positive impacts.

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