Kristine Dery
Research Scientist, MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR)
Brad Gebert
Managing Director, ParagonLabs, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
United States
Amy Lokey
VP, Global Head of Design, ServiceNow
Roya Mahboob
CEO, Digital Citizen Fund
Alan Marks
Chief Marketing Communications Officer, ServiceNow
Lindsey Nefesh-Clarke
Founder & Managing Director, Women’s WorldWide Web (W4)
Alok Paranjpye
Corporate Strategy Director, ServiceNow
Philip Reuchlin
Director of Programs & Strategy, Andan Foundation || Judge for The Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion
David Soo
Chief of Staff, Jobs for the Future (JFF)
Dave Wright
Chief Innovation Officer, ServiceNow
Judging Criteria
Solutions from applicants will be evaluated based on the following criteria. All criteria will be given equal weight:
- Alignment: The solution addresses the challenge that has been set forth.
- Potential for Impact: The planned solution implementation has the potential to impact lives.
- Scalability: The solution can be scaled to affect the lives of more people.
- Feasibility: Solution implementation is feasible, and the team has a plan for financial sustainability.
- Innovative Approach: This is a new solution, a new application of a solution, a new business model, or a new process for solving the challenge.
*Government agencies and any employee, officer, director, or representative of a federal, state, local, or foreign Government, or any immediate family member of any employee, officer, director, or representative of a federal, state, local, or foreign Government are not eligible to participate as judges for the Digital Workforce Challenge.
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