Manuela Zoninsein

In response to Describe what makes your solution innovative.

X-Filtra and Lint-Luv, Planetcare, Filtrol are actually installed into washing machines. They are direct competitors to your first area of focus.

Francisco Arturo Navarro Meza

Hola Manuela, te agradecemos por tu comentario es totalmente cierto que son competidores directos y los tenemos identificados en nuestra matriz de competencia donde logramos separarnos de ellos es por el % de retención en el filtrado y por la disposición que le damos a esta contaminación ya que ninguna de estas empresas acelera el proceso de degradación de estos polímeros

Francisco Arturo Navarro Meza

Hello Manuela, we thank you for your comment, it is totally true that they are direct competitors and we have them identified in our competition matrix where we manage to separate from them is by the % retention in the filtrate and by the disposition we give to this contamination since none of these companies accelerates the degradation process of these polymers

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