A User

Its really good.

A User

In response to Pitch us on your solution

Ban one time use plastic bottles.People take such bottles because either there is no source for drinking water or they feel it isn't potable.This problem can be solved by having hygienic water stalls with water purifiers and someone to look after it at proper distance.It may take some time to change their mindsets but once it happens, it will help us a long way.

There's a solution also for the bottles which have already been produced.As we all know that the cement and concrete does not stay for a long time on our streets, especially in monsoon we face a lot of problems, we can waterproof our streets with adding crushed pieces to these cement and concrete.We can leave a bit on the sides for the water to at least seep into the ground.

A User

Very interesting solution!

Pavel Marmanov

This is an interesting solution!

Solve Team

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