Coastal Communities


Marauder Robotics

Building robot technologies to accelerate ocean ecosystem restoration and maintain balance

Team Lead

Dennis Yancey

SS SS Samuel Samuel

Hi Guys I am going to share information about Marauder Robotics -

Marauder Robotics is an Atlanta based technology startup that has developed an integrated, autonomous underwater robot predator to accelerate ocean ecosystem restoration and maintain balance. It can dive down to a maximum of 120 feet, is approximately the size of a large dog, and can be used for automating urchin management thereby eliminating the need for human divers. It uses computer vision to identify the different types of urchins and the pilot then validates its navigation assumptions and how to facilitate interactions with the same. For more information you also visit on given page

RL RL Roof Lewis
SR SR Sergio Roberte

I have a part time job as well as studying so I don't have a lot of free time to write all my essays and assignments. When I first heard about this site, I was a little worried to use it but I decided to give a try and it was the best thing I did. Got the grades I was expecting and easy to communicate with the staffs too. Very happy!

AT AT Angy Trejo

Good luck!

Mr. Jeffrey Malcolm

I think this an innovative approach to solve the urchin problem. In regards to your solution, what AI technology are you using to convert your vision sensor data into actionable tasks for the robot?

Dr Dennis Yancey Jr.

Thanks Jeff!

MarauderONE is using machine learning in the following ways:

1) Identify/infer, quantify, and map ecosystem biodiversity.
2)Stitch together a comprehensive ecosystem map from acquired images and video.
3) Determine best navigational path for hardware to engage target urchin based on prevailing environmental conditions.
4) Determine the optimal sequence of movements to acquire target based on equipment constraints and environmental conditions.
5) Determine optimal restoration path that minimizes energy consumption and maximize effective coverage are in the field of operation
6) There are way too many to disclose!

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