Solve Team

In response to Pitch us on your solution

Thanks for submitting an application! We’re looking forward to reviewing it. If you have any changes to make, keep in mind the final deadline of July 22, 9am ET.

Ruth Becke

In response to If your solution has a website, provide a link here:

Our beta version is available now in Apple testing process: https://testflight.apple.com/join/7EL14p3B

NA NA Noel Achas

Greener surroundings are indeed cities of the future of those who care. The objective is synonymous with the other solution, " Intelligent Vertical Farming." And could had been also be in lined with my solution but unfortunately was not "saved". I believe the earth under the cities should be allowed to breath, bathe in rainwater and clothe itself green again. Healthy Earth begets healthy people.

Ruth Becke

Thanks for your comment, Noel! Yes, vertical farming is catching on quickly and between potted plants and plants in 'fixed' locations (green walls, vertical panels, ceilings), we will have more and more "green spots" throughout our cities. Maybe we can collaborate at some point!

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