2022 Indigenous Communities Fellowship



Building a bridge of understanding and communication between tribes, cities, and the state of Arizona on agriculture & irrigation policy.

Team Lead

Valerisa Gaddy

Megan Gourd

I made a little video to share/celebrate the 2022 Indigenous Communities Fellowship Finalists.

https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6956378150922575872/ />
If you want to share it or I can send in a file if you want to post yourself. :)

-Wishing you the best!

TJ TJ Tillie Joe

This is very important and needed. We need it here in the Lupton.

MC MC Margarethe Cooper

Dr. Gaddy's IRRIGaTE project of a multimedia website will create important resources for Tribal communities for representation and engagement in water issues.

JM JM Jean McLain

This work is incredibly important. Water is precious in Arizona and becoming scarcer every day. Involving the Tribal communities in the conversation is critical for the water future for all.

Monica Peters

Thank you for the important work you and your team are doing Dr. Valerisa Gaddy!

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