SN SN Steven Norton

Mohawk grammar allows for whole propositions to be expressed by one word, which we classify as a verb. https://www.homebargainsportal.com/

WF WF Will Farrell

In response to Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

I feel like this would be the Animus entertainment system produced by abstergo industries in ubisofts popular video game franchise, assassin's Creed. A very cool concept and innovation regardless. Might want to contact the developers of said games especially the historians who lended there help with audio production.

Monica Peters

Reading List & Resources regarding Doctrine of Discovery, Papal Bulls, Kanien'kehake, Kanien'keha, Policies & Procedures and more: https://mohawklanguage.ca/resources/ />

Megan Gourd

I made a little video to share/celebrate the 2022 Indigenous Communities Fellowship Finalists.

https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6956378150922575872/ />
If you want to share it or I can send in a file if you want to post yourself. :)

-Wishing you the best!

Monica Peters

that's awesome, nia:wen / thank you Megan! :)

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