Maternal & Newborn Health


Bioforge Neonatal Incubator

A cost effective and easy to assemble incubators for doctors operating within limited resources.

Team Lead

Dewan Ahmad Fawzul Kabir Choudhury

ER ER Engineer Humayoun Reza

It is a great challenge to develop such type of gadget in more populated health sector. We wish for best success and at the time we also look its cost and easy operation.
Best of luck.
Engineer Humayoun Reza
Consultant, Industrial Automation
MSc in Electronics & Bachelor in IT

MA MA Mustak Ahmed

In response to Our Solution

Best of luck
Go on

MA MA Mohammed Allah

Mohammed Anayet Ullah
Contracts Manager; WSP- Kuwait
BSc in Quantity Surveying; University of Reading, UK

SH SH Sadia Haque

Proud of you guys!!!

MR MR Md Sohanur Rahaman

Best of Luck!!

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