Mr Shanmuga Sundara Bharathi

In response to What is your path to financial sustainability?

Realistic but more clarity is needed: the number of carts to be manufactured, the number of plants in each cart, repeat sales, the profitability for the vendor, spatial requirement for BreathingCart manufacturing - keeping at home etc., need to be addressed.

Rayna Borah

the number of carts to be manufactured will depend on our manufacturer. Currently, our prototype has around 25 hydroponics plants in open display format and around 100 can fit in a compact format, but surely more can be fitted that is considering the whole cart contains only hydroponics. Each plant will have its own packaging in its own container to be carried home

Mr Shanmuga Sundara Bharathi

In response to What organizations do you currently partner with, if any? How are you working with them?

evaluation is different from partnering in the operations,

Mr Shanmuga Sundara Bharathi

In response to What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year?

Think of more publicity or advertisement ?

Rayna Borah

Yes , surely we will

Mr Shanmuga Sundara Bharathi

In response to Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

Is the marketing method online and application based ? So far no indication.

Rayna Borah

Both , We are working on packing for the hydroponics. We have developed a prototype for the packaging where the plant can survive for weeks so the hydroponics can be carried home easily

You can see it on our website http://breathingcart.com/

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