The Trinity Challenge


Biosurveillance via ImmunOlogical, Genomic and Epidemiological Models

Team Leader

Dr. Madhav Marathe

Jacqueline Miller

In response to If you have additional video content that explains your solution, provide a YouTube or Vimeo link or upload a video here.

The solution is looking at spatio-temporal modeling for the allocation of scarce vaccine resources, but it isn't clear how individual risk factors (for example, those with pre-existing medical conditions placing them at high risk for the severe complications of COVID-19), would be included in the model.

Jacqueline Miller

In response to What is your solution’s stage of development?

UNderstanding the preliminary data available would be helpful if you are selected for the interview stage

Jacqueline Miller

In response to What is your solution?

How can a peri-vaccination library assess herd immunity? Will you use only convenience biosamples, or will there be an attempt to obtain representative samples globally (since there can be genetic variations in antibody repetoire)?

Jacqueline Miller

In response to What is your solution?

Will the online platform enable free access to any potential user globally?

Jacqueline Miller

In response to What specific problem are you solving?

The solution as currently written seems focused on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Is there an intent to use this as a pilot case, and then refine models for future pandemics?

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