Eva Burk

Graduate Research Assistant, Food from Fire

United States

Eva Dawn Burk grew up practicing her Dene’ Athabascan traditions of harvesting salmon, moose, waterfowl and berries and trapping with her family on their ancestral lands and waters. Eva Dawn earned a B.S. from UAF in Civil Engineering (2007) and worked as a Senior Project Engineer from 2007 to 2013. She worked on many projects involving pipelines, roads, broadband infrastructure, environmental studies, logistics, stakeholder engagement and renewable energy. She spent the last few years volunteering and working for her villages as a Wellness and Culture Camp Leader, Fisherwoman, Cook and Laborer. Currently, she is working on a Master of Science in Natural Resources Management with a focus on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. Her interests include Indigenous food sovereignty, security and health justice; traditional song, dance and language revitalization; and healing through food and culture. She leads several Indigenous food sovereignty and security working groups across the globe and is dedicated to improving food security in her community through maintaining traditional lifestyles and opening educational farms on ancestral lands. Eva Dawn is a community activist focused on developing resilience and capacity, fostering leadership and teamwork, and learning through doing. Eva Dawn envisions a future of culture, community and collaboration.


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