Organization Details

What is your organization's name?

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation

What is your organization's classification?


In what city, town, or region is your organization headquartered?

Kampala, Uganda

Provide your organization’s mission and/or vision statement and list its core values.

The mission of ONMIS Creative Child Foundation is to inspire and foster a culture of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship among children in Uganda and the wider community. We strive to empower children with the skills, resources, and networks needed to develop innovative solutions that address societal challenges 

Our vision is to be a leading hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in Uganda, promoting a vibrant ecosystem where ideas flourish, talents thrive, and impactful solutions are created. We envision a future where every child has the opportunity and resources required to unleash their innovative potential and drive positive change in their communities and beyond.

Core Values:

Innovation: We believe in fostering a spirit of creativity, encouraging individuals to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and embrace risk-taking to drive meaningful innovation.

Collaboration: We value the power of collaboration and recognize that diverse perspectives and expertise are essential for solving complex challenges. We actively promote partnerships and teamwork to harness collective intelligence and maximize impact.

Entrepreneurship: We foster an entrepreneurial mindset, equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to turn ideas into viable ventures. We encourage an entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving and empower individuals to create sustainable solutions.

Inclusivity: We are committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity in all our activities. We strive to create an inclusive environment that values and respects individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, ensuring equal opportunities for participation and growth.

Impact: We are driven by a passion for creating positive and sustainable impact. We focus on supporting projects and initiatives that have the potential to generate tangible and meaningful outcomes, benefiting communities and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Lifelong Learning: We promote a culture of continuous learning and personal growth. We encourage individuals to embrace curiosity, seek knowledge, and develop their skills to adapt to an ever-changing world.

How many products or programs does your organization operate? Please use numeric values only.


What stage of development is your organization’s product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project?

Pilot: An organization testing a product or program with a small number of users.
Team Lead Details

Who (first and last name) is the Team Lead for your application and LEAP Project?

Solomon Bwire

Describe the role the Team Lead plays in your organization. [100-200 words recommended]

At ONMIS Creative Child Foundation, the team lead plays a vital role in leading and managing the entire team. He is responsible for overseeing the team's activities, ensuring effective collaboration, and driving the achievement of team goals and objectives.

The key responsibilities include;

Team Management: The Team Lead is responsible for managing and guiding the team members, providing clear direction, and supporting their professional growth and development. 

Project Planning and Execution: He defines project goals, develop work plans, set timelines, and allocates resources. 

Collaboration and Coordination: The Team Lead collaborates with all members to foster synergy and ensure smooth coordination of activities.  

Performance Monitoring and Evaluation: He sets performance targets, establishes key performance indicators (KPIs), and tracks progress. 

Reporting and Documentation: He ensures accurate and timely reporting of team activities, progress, and outcomes. 

Leadership and Decision Making: As a leader, the he provides guidance and direction to the team making informed decisions, resolving conflicts, and handling any issues or challenges that arise.

Explain how your Team Lead and supporting team members are well-positioned to effectively support the LEAP Project, given other priorities within your organization. [200-500 words - recommended]

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation's Team Lead and supporting team members are well-positioned to effectively support the LEAP Project, even considering their other priorities within the organization. Here are the reasons why:

Expertise and Experience: The Team Lead and supporting team members of ONMIS Creative Child Foundation have a wealth of expertise and experience in the field of education, specifically in STEM and lifelong learning for children. They have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this domain, and they possess the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to the LEAP Project.

Commitment and Dedication: The Team Lead and senior level staff of ONMIS Creative Child Foundation are committed to the mission and goals of the organization. They understand the importance of the LEAP Project in strengthening the evidence base of their solution and advancing their impact. Despite their other priorities, they are willing to allocate 2-4 hours per week to actively participate in the project and contribute their expertise.

Project Facilitation: The LEAP Project is professionally managed by MIT Solve, providing project facilitation and support throughout the 12-week sprint. This allows the Team Lead and supporting team members to focus solely on the critical elements of the project without being overwhelmed by administrative tasks or project management responsibilities.

Time Management and Prioritization: The Team Lead and senior level staff of ONMIS Creative Child Foundation understand the importance of effective time management and prioritization. They will allocate dedicated time and resources to the LEAP Project, ensuring that it receives the attention it deserves while balancing their other organizational priorities.

Collaboration and Teamwork: The Team Lead and supporting team members are experienced in working collaboratively and as a team. They will leverage their strengths, skills, and expertise to contribute effectively to the LEAP Project. They will communicate and coordinate with the LEAP Fellows, sharing their insights, providing guidance, and ensuring a fruitful collaboration.

By considering the estimated commitment of 2-4 hours per week from the Team Lead and senior level staff, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation can effectively balance their other priorities while actively engaging in the LEAP Project. The combination of their expertise, commitment, project facilitation, time management, and collaboration skills positions them well to contribute meaningfully to the project and achieve the desired outcomes within the designated timeframe.

Solution Details

One-line solution summary: In 20 words or less, summarize your organization's product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project.

Empowering children through unplugged and plugged innovation support programs and equity-centered resources that foster imagination, self-expression, and holistic development.

Define the problem that your solution seeks to solve. [200-500 words recommended]

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation seeks to address a critical problem that has hindered the holistic development and future prospects of children living in East Africa. Historically, these children have been excluded from lifelong learning opportunities, particularly in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This exclusion has resulted in limited access to quality education, unequal opportunities for skill development, and a lack of exposure to innovative thinking and problem-solving.

According to data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the primary school completion rate in Uganda is only 54%. This means that a significant number of children are unable to complete their primary education, which hampers their chances of pursuing higher education and accessing better opportunities in the future. This dropout mainly affects children aged between 3–12, adolescent girls, disabled and other marginalized children due to many factors including the complicated methods of introducing STEM subjects to them, lack of STEM support resources, among others.

Furthermore, the gender gap in STEM education is evident. UNESCO data shows that in Uganda, only 35% of girls choose STEM subjects at the secondary level, compared to 65% of boys. This gender disparity in STEM education further exacerbates the limited access to opportunities for girls in these fields.

The consequences of this exclusion from STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities are far-reaching. It perpetuates a cycle of poverty, limiting the potential for economic growth and social development in East Africa. Additionally, it hinders the region's ability to address pressing challenges, such as sustainable development and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation recognizes the urgency of addressing these issues and is dedicated to providing a solution. Through their programs, initiatives, and equity-centered resources, they aim to inspire, train, and empower children to become influential innovators in STEM and to craft solutions that address the UN SDGs and improve the welfare of their communities.

By combining practice in Science, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, Arts, and Entrepreneurship, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation's curricula offer a holistic approach to learning. They go beyond traditional classroom teaching and encourage hands-on experimentation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for children to become active contributors to the growth and development of their communities.

Additionally, Makerere Innovation Society's ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has yielded tangible outcomes including two girls who were recently awarded by the head of state as the most outstanding science innovators in the country after developing impactful working MVPs of their solutions to community challenges. By addressing the exclusion of children from STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation aims to bridge the skills gap, foster innovation, and empower the youth of East Africa. Their programs are instrumental in equipping children with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to become active participants in sustainable development and contribute to the socio-economic advancement of the region.

Describe your solution and how it works in simple terms. [200-500 words recommended]

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation offers a solution to empower children in East Africa by providing them with lifelong learning opportunities and skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Our approach combines practical learning in these subjects with arts and entrepreneurship, creating a well-rounded educational experience.

The foundation develops curriculum resources and equity-centered toolkits that are designed to engage children in hands-on activities, experimentation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. These resources are accessible to children in schools and those historically excluded from STEM education, ensuring that every child has an opportunity to learn and thrive.

Through their programs and initiatives, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation through trained teachers and volunteers inspires and trains children to become influential innovators in STEM. We aim to cultivate a mindset of social entrepreneurship from an early age, encouraging children to think creatively and develop solutions that address real-world challenges.

The foundation's solution works by providing children with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to become active contributors to their communities and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We focus not only on academic learning but also on instilling a sense of social responsibility and empathy in children.

The curriculum being co-developed by ONMIS Creative Child Foundation with teachers, learners and parents covers a range of subjects, including science, engineering, technology, mathematics, arts, and entrepreneurship. Children are exposed to practical applications of these subjects, encouraging them to explore and experiment with ideas. By combining these disciplines, children develop a holistic understanding of how they can make a positive impact in their communities.

The foundation also emphasizes financial literacy education, teaching children about financial management and the principles of social entrepreneurship. This aspect aims to instill a mindset of responsible decision-making and sustainable business practices.

Select the key characteristics of your target population. Select all that apply.

  • Women & Girls
  • LGBTQ+
  • Pre-primary age children (ages 2-5)
  • Primary school children (ages 5-12)
  • Rural
  • Peri-Urban
  • Poor
  • Low-Income
  • Middle-Income
  • Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
  • Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
  • Persons with Disabilities

In which country or countries does your solution currently operate?


Upload your solution's Theory of Change or Logic Model.

Where would you place your solution on Nesta's Standards of Evidence?

Level 1: You can describe what you do and why it matters, logically, coherently and convincingly.

To date, what research/studies has your organization conducted that have helped demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution? [200-500 words recommended]

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has conducted various research and studies to establish evidence of the effectiveness of our solution. These research and studies are described below:

Informative interviews with teachers and parents: ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has engaged in informative interviews with teachers and parents to gather insights into their specific needs and challenges. These interviews have provided valuable qualitative data regarding the existing barriers to access and equity in STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities. The outputs of these interviews include firsthand accounts, testimonials, and qualitative data that highlight the experiences and perspectives of teachers and parents in underserved communities.

Focus group discussions with teachers: To gain a deeper understanding of the needs and challenges faced by teachers, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has conducted focus group discussions. These discussions have provided a platform for teachers to share their experiences, exchange ideas, and provide feedback on the foundation's programs and resources. The outputs of these focus group discussions include valuable qualitative data, insights, and suggestions for improvement, which have contributed to the refinement and enhancement of the foundation's equity-centered toolkits and resources.

Prototyping research: ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has also conducted prototyping research to continually improve their equity-centered toolkits and resources. Through iterative prototyping and testing, the foundation has collected data on the usability, effectiveness, and impact of their tools and resources. The outputs of this research include feedback from users, observations, and data on the effectiveness of specific elements or features of the toolkits and resources.

Pre-post or multi-measure research: To assess the impact of their programs and interventions, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has employed pre-post or multi-measure research methodologies. These studies involve collecting data from participants before and after their engagement with the foundation's programs. The data collected may include measures of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavioral changes related to STEM education and lifelong learning. The outputs of these research studies include quantitative data that demonstrate the positive impact of the foundation's interventions on the targeted outcomes.

By conducting informative interviews, focus group discussions, prototyping research, and pre-post or multi-measure research, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has gathered a range of qualitative and quantitative data. These research and studies have helped to establish evidence of the effectiveness of their solution by providing valuable insights, user feedback, and data on the impact of our programs and resources. This evidence contributes to the foundation's ongoing efforts to refine and improve their offerings, while also strengthening their ability to demonstrate the positive outcomes and impact of our work.

What has the research/studies you have conducted revealed about your solution and how did it inform your work moving forward? [200-500 words recommended]

The research and studies conducted by ONMIS Creative Child Foundation have provided valuable insights into their solution and have informed our work moving forward in the following ways:

Needs and challenges identification: Through informative interviews with teachers and parents, as well as focus group discussions with teachers, the foundation has gained a deep understanding of the specific needs and challenges faced by children in accessing STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities. This research has helped identify the barriers and gaps that exist in the current educational landscape.

User feedback and improvement: The prototyping research conducted by ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has allowed them to gather feedback from users, including teachers and students, on the usability, effectiveness, and impact of their equity-centered toolkits and resources. This user feedback has played a crucial role in improving and refining their solutions based on real-world user experiences.

Continuous improvement and iteration: The research and studies conducted by ONMIS Creative Child Foundation have fostered a culture of continuous improvement and iteration. The insights gained from user feedback and impact assessments have informed their iterative design process, allowing them to refine and enhance their solution to better meet the needs of children and address the identified challenges.

LEAP Project Details

Describe your organization's need to strengthen the evidence base of your solution. [200-500 words recommended]

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation recognizes the need to strengthen the evidence base of our solution to further enhance its effectiveness and demonstrate its impact on children's learning and development. Engaging in a LEAP Project would be the right step forward for several reasons.

Firstly, participating in the LEAP Project would provide the foundation with access to a global pool of research and social entrepreneur fellows who have expertise in evidence-based learning solutions. This collaboration would allow the foundation to tap into a diverse range of knowledge and skills, benefiting from the insights and experiences of experts who can support our education solution's evidence journey. The fellows can provide valuable guidance, strategies, resources, and tools tailored to our specific context and needs.

Secondly, the LEAP Project offers the opportunity for the foundation to receive recommendations. These recommendations would serve as valuable guidance for strengthening the evidence base of our education solution. They can outline specific actions and steps that the foundation can take to improve our approach, gather robust evidence, and enhance the effectiveness of their programs.

Additionally, the professionally managed project facilitation provided by MIT Solve during the 12-week project would alleviate the administrative burden on ONMIS Creative Child foundation, allowing us to focus on the critical elements of strengthening the evidence base of our solution. This support ensures that the foundation can dedicate their resources and efforts effectively to the project without being overwhelmed by the logistical aspects.

Moreover, participating in the LEAP Project would provide the foundation with valuable networking opportunities. Engaging with a global cohort of LEAP fellows and project hosts allows for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and the exchange of best practices. These networking opportunities can lead to potential partnerships, collaborations, and the sharing of innovative ideas that can accelerate the foundation’s impact in the field of education.

Furthermore, the timing is ideal for the foundation to engage in a LEAP Project as it aligns with our commitment to evidence-based learning solutions. With the increasing demand for rigorous evidence and data-driven approaches in the education sector, it is crucial for ONMIS Creative Child Foundation to strengthen the evidence base of our solution. Engaging in the LEAP Project now would enable us to leverage the global focus on evidence-based practices and position ourselves as leaders in the field of education innovation.

That said, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation's engagement in a LEAP Project is crucial to strengthen the evidence base of our solution and accelerate our impact on children's learning outcomes. The access to research and social entrepreneur fellows, tailored research recommendations, project facilitation, and networking opportunities provided by the LEAP Project would support us in our mission to improve education and empower children in East Africa. The current landscape, which emphasizes evidence-based practices, makes it the right time for us to engage in the LEAP Project and further our commitment to evidence-based learning solutions.

What are 2-3 research questions that you would like your LEAP Project to help you answer? [100 words recommended]

How might we help children living in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities in Uganda to have access to STEM innovation skills and lifelong learning opportunities required to thrive in this ICT driven age?

How might we support teachers and parents in accessing equity-centered toolkits and resources which work for all children from all cultural backgrounds in a diverse learning environment?

What type of research/studies do you think will help answer your stated questions? Select all that apply.

  • Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)
  • Summative research (e.g. correlational studies; quasi-experimental studies; randomized control studies)

Please elaborate on your selection above by describing your desired outputs of the 12-week LEAP Project sprint. [200 - 500 words recommended]

During the 12-week LEAP Project sprint, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation aims to achieve specific outputs that contribute to strengthening the evidence base of our solution and addressing the identified challenges. The desired outputs include:

Fellow-produced research recommendations: The LEAP Fellows will conduct formative and summative research to gain a deeper understanding of the needs and barriers faced by children in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities in Uganda. They will produce research recommendations that highlight effective strategies, methodologies, and approaches to address these challenges. These recommendations will be informed by usability studies, feasibility studies, case studies, user interviews, implementation studies, and other relevant formative research methods.

Guidance for equity-centered toolkits and resources: ONMIS Creative Child Foundation recognizes the importance of creating equity-centered toolkits and resources that are inclusive and work for all children from diverse cultural backgrounds in a learning environment. The LEAP Fellows will provide guidance on developing and adapting toolkits and resources that promote accessibility, cultural relevance, and inclusivity. This guidance will be based on research findings, best practices, and input from teachers, parents, and community members.

Strategies for promoting STEM innovation skills: To ensure children in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities have access to STEM innovation skills, the LEAP Fellows will develop strategies and recommendations. These strategies may include the integration of hands-on, experiential learning approaches, the use of locally available resources, and the establishment of community partnerships to enhance access to STEM education. The strategies will be based on research findings, successful case studies, and innovative approaches in the field of STEM education.

Recommendations for teacher and parent support: Recognizing the crucial role of teachers and parents in children's learning, the LEAP Fellows will provide recommendations for supporting teachers and parents in accessing equity-centered toolkits and resources. This may involve strategies for professional development, capacity building, and effective communication and engagement with parents. The recommendations will be informed by research findings, best practices, and input from educators and parents.

In summary, the outputs of the project will consist of actionable research recommendations, guidance, and strategies that inform ONMIS Creative Child Foundation's approach to strengthening the evidence base of our solution. These outputs will serve as valuable resources for the foundation, enabling us to enhance our programs, interventions, and resources to better meet the needs of children in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities in Uganda.

How will your organization put these outputs into action? [200-500 words recommended]

Following the conclusion of the LEAP Project sprint and the generation of research recommendations, guidance, and strategies, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation will put these outputs into action in the following ways:

Integration into program development: The research recommendations and guidance will be integrated into the foundation's program development process. This will involve refining existing programs and designing new interventions that align with the evidence-based strategies and approaches identified during the LEAP Project. The outputs will serve as a valuable resource for informing curriculum development, teaching methodologies, and overall program structure.

Resource development and adaptation: The outputs will guide the development and adaptation of equity-centered toolkits and resources. ONMIS Creative Child Foundation will use the research recommendations and guidance to create materials that are culturally relevant, inclusive, and accessible to children from diverse backgrounds. These resources will support teachers and parents in delivering effective STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities to children in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities.

Training and capacity building: The research recommendations and strategies will inform the foundation's training and capacity building initiatives. ONMIS Creative Child Foundation will develop workshops, seminars, and training programs based on the identified best practices and approaches. These training sessions will target teachers, parents, and community members, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively support children's learning and engagement in STEM and lifelong learning.

Collaboration and advocacy: The outputs of the LEAP Project will be used to foster collaboration and advocacy efforts. ONMIS Creative Child Foundation will engage with stakeholders, including government entities, educational institutions, and NGOs, to share the research findings and recommendations. The foundation will advocate for policy changes, increased resources, and improved support for STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities. The evidence-based approach will strengthen ONMIS Creative Child Foundation's position as a leading voice in advocating for equitable education and learning opportunities.

By actively putting these outputs into action, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation will ensure that the research, recommendations, and strategies generated during the LEAP Project sprint have a tangible impact on their programs, resources, training initiatives, and advocacy efforts. The foundation's commitment to evidence-based practices will contribute to the continuous improvement of our solutions, enabling us to better serve children in Uganda and address the challenges they face in accessing STEM innovation skills and lifelong learning opportunities.

Describe your desired short-term and long-term outcomes of the 12-week LEAP Project sprint for both your organization and solution. [200-500 words recommended]

ONMIS Creative Child Foundation has the following desired short-term and long-term outcomes for both the foundation and their solution as a result of the 12-week LEAP Project sprint:

Short-term outcomes for ONMIS Creative Child Foundation:

  1. Enhanced research capacity: The foundation aims to strengthen its research capacity through the LEAP Project. We seek to develop a deeper understanding of effective strategies, methodologies, and approaches for promoting STEM innovation skills and lifelong learning opportunities for children in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities.

  2. Improved evidence base: The foundation aims to build a robust evidence base for our solution during the LEAP Project sprint. They desire to gather empirical data, research findings, and recommendations that support the effectiveness of their approach in addressing the identified challenges. This improved evidence base will enhance the foundation's credibility, enabling us to attract funding, partnerships, and support from stakeholders who value evidence-based interventions.

  3. Research recommendations and guidance: The foundation expects to receive valuable research recommendations and guidance from the LEAP Fellows. These outputs will provide the foundation with actionable steps to strengthen the evidence base of their solution. The research recommendations and guidance will inform their program development, resource creation, training initiatives, and advocacy efforts.

Long-term outcomes for ONMIS Creative Child Foundation:

  1. Enhanced program effectiveness: By implementing the research recommendations and guidance, ONMIS Creative Child Foundation aims to enhance the effectiveness of their programs and initiatives in the long term. The insights gained from the LEAP Project sprint will enable the foundation to refine their curricula, teaching methodologies, and overall approach to better meet the needs of children in unconnected villages and historically excluded communities. This, in turn, will lead to improved learning outcomes and increased access to STEM innovation skills and lifelong learning opportunities.

  2. Scalability and replication: The LEAP Project sprint outcomes will contribute to the scalability and replication of ONMIS Creative Child Foundation's solution. By demonstrating the effectiveness of their approach and strengthening the evidence base, the foundation can attract funding, partnerships, and support to expand their reach to more communities in Uganda and beyond. The evidence-based nature of their solution will increase its appeal to potential funders and collaborators, facilitating its replication in other contexts and settings.

  3. Policy influence and advocacy: ONMIS Creative Child Foundation seeks to have a long-term impact on policy and advocacy efforts. The research findings and evidence generated during the LEAP Project will provide the foundation with valuable insights to advocate for policy changes that prioritize STEM education and lifelong learning opportunities for children in marginalized communities. By influencing policy at the national and regional levels, the foundation aims to create a supportive environment that fosters equitable access to quality education and empowers children to thrive in the ICT-driven age.

Solution Team

  • Solomon Bwire Mr, Kawallet Tech Uganda
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