Solution overview

Our Solution

Vocational Digital Skills Training - Cloud Base


Digital Skills and Literacy for Job Seekers and SMEs- Online Classes

Pitch us on your solution

1. Indonesian workforce outdated from Industry 4.0 (technical and digital skills)

Not enough trainers to spread workshops to people across the country by offline method, only 300 vocational training institutions; need transportation and commuting to attend classes and no digital training providers yet. Only skills like driving, welding, automotive, etc

2. Online based training - vocational and real project approach

3. It could be learned and implemented nation wide

Lead by mentor and experts worked in the real industry and startups

Could be run and become a solution right away, within jobs and also implemented by SMEs to do digital marketing, online market approach etc

Film your elevator pitch

What is the problem you are solving?

1. Indonesia lack 9 million digital talents in 2030

$21.8 Billion unrealized economy caused by digital talent shortage in 2030

Bonus demography in Indonesia where 190 million people will reach productive age in 2030, will be a burden if they do not possess relevant skills and survive by digital entrepreneurship

300 vocational training organization: by brick and mortar, hard to access people in rural areas and small islands

SMEs employed 112.9 million people who has not fully integrate with digital economy, back bone of Indonesian economy

We could only see online digital training and flash drive to be distributed to achieve massive learning curve

Who are you serving?

People who lack of fund to skill up their technical skills, people whose just getting their employment terminated with little skills

Government launch a program of distributing these people with e-money where they should use this for digital training and workshops and no one yet has come up with the right infrastructure to roll massive digital training

SMEs who does not have access to digital platform

We actively work with communities and conduct research

We wanted to roll more learning to find the best approach and practice to deliver the materials

We have the curriculum and real projects ready

What is your solution?

Online vocational class based learning

We will build our learning platform from scratch: Our team lead is the Gojek (Indonesia startup decacorn) first 100 employees who is really strong in architecture and technical software engineering

We also will distribute flash drive if applicable to areas with difficult access to internet connection

We gave digital literacy to 20 high schools and vocational schools in Semarang City, 60 teachers and students present on the workshop which later distributed to other students

The survey we conducted after said they need more

We gave digital literacy to 1 vocational school in Yogyakarta

We gave digital literacy to 1 disability school (autism) in Yogyakarta

We need more workshop running to measure the real impact

All projects are offline based, due to financial challenge

Select only the most relevant.

  • Upskill, reskill, or retrain workers in the industries most affected by technological transformations
  • Support underserved people in fostering entrepreneurship and creating new technologies, businesses, and jobs

Where our solution team is headquartered or located:

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Our solution's stage of development:

More about your solution

Describe what makes your solution innovative.

Indonesia can still have O2O base, 

even our learning is online, we will still be partnering with existing vocational organizations to oversee the enrollment of students and also conduct the final test

We could make sure it is the right students who receive the training and done the task

We will also partner with private companies and governments to provide IT-lab so that people could have a sit down session through practice

In 2023 prediction there will be 150 million people being connected to the internet

Why do you expect your solution to address the problem?

Activities : online and offline learning, online and offline group discussions

Outputs : produce apps, digital projects, advertisements, etc

Short term outcomes : simple real projects

Medium term outcomes : gain benefits from independent learning and learn with peers, adding creativity to the process to solve problems

Long term outcomes : digitally ready workforce and smooth shift to industry 4.0

Select the key characteristics of the population your solution serves.

  • Children & Adolescents
  • Rural Residents
  • Urban Residents
  • Low-Income

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Indonesia

In which countries will you be operating within the next year?

  • Brunei
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

How many people are you currently serving with your solution? How many will you be serving in one year? How about in five years?

1. 0

We run pilots on digital literacy but we cannot measure KPI based on making real projects

400 vocational and high school students

2. 20,000

3. 500,000

What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?

Next year goal: To roll real projects within online classes and set KPIs for people who has not had technical knowledge prior

Measured SMEs who can roll their digital access

First year is to formulate the best ways to people who might have lower education standards

Next five years: We could tab into rural areas and other countries and established hub and communities to go and study together to create exchange of knowledge

What are the barriers that currently exist for you to accomplish your goals for the next year and for the next five years?

Financial: to have offline introduction and socializing the new program initiatives to people

People might need to have credit to buy laptop

Funding to have more laptop devices could be borrowed or use to do the projects

Technical: Scaling problems where some rural areas are limited from the internet

Five years; bigger servers to process platform and to launch them smoothly in other countries as well

Cultural: Indonesian people, especially the marginal does not like to learn independently

Next five years, make sure the quality and standards of students who has completed the training will be as high as when the students are not as much

Legal: We are using education providers to be the legal body

Market barriers: This year; On process to get white-list approve from the ministry of man power

Next five years; market will be open when we have succeeded create success stories from our trainees

How are you planning to overcome these barriers?

Financial: to have offline introduction and socializing the new program initiatives to people - secure funding from grants or investments

People might need to have credit to buy laptop - partnership with fintech

Funding to have more laptop devices could be borrowed or use to do the projects - partnership with governments and grants

Technical: Scaling problems where some rural areas are limited from the internet - using distributed flash drive approach

Five years; bigger servers to process platform and to launch them smoothly in other countries as well - recruit more tech and marketing team

Cultural: Indonesian people, especially the marginal does not like to learn independently - fun classes at the same time give them picture we cannot survive if we don't possess the right skills

Next five years, make sure the quality and standards of students who has completed the training will be as high as when the students are not as much - peer reviews and industry reviews

Legal: We are using education providers to be the legal body - we make our own legal entity

Market barriers: This year; On process to get white-list approve from the ministry of man power - we currently work on them, look for networks

Next five years; market will be open when we have succeeded create success stories from our trainees

Select one.

  • I am planning to expand my solution to one or more of ServiceNow’s primary markets

If you selected “I am planning to expand my solution to one or more of ServiceNow’s primary markets,” please provide an overview of your expansion plans. What is the market opportunity for your business or product here?

The expansion plan product might not have the same exact solutions,

as developed countries are more struggling with aging population,

We will cater our products, classes and teachings that it will greatly help elders not only to upgrade digital skills but cope with high technology unfamiliar to them; banking, access funding, insurance, health coverage, operating monitoring IoT devices for their health and house, etc

About your team

Select an option below:


How many people work on your solution team?


4 marketing and corporate partnerships

5 IT team

4 curriculum and education team

For how many years have you been working on your solution?


Why are you and your team best-placed to deliver this solution?

Tech lead: <10 years in startup, ex head of digital banking of a private bank in Indonesia, former 100 technical engineer in Go-Jek (decacorn startup in Indonesia)

With team (4 people)

Education and curriculum team (4 people)

Graduates and Lecturers in tech university in Semarang

Marketing: bachelor from laTrobe university in Marketing

Finance: bachelor from Monash University in Banking and Finance


1. 17 years in private banking, lastly President director of a Finance company

2. Ex-deputy governor of Indonesia central Bank

With what organizations are you currently partnering, if any? How are you working with them?

We are currently on progress to submit to a white list in ministry of man power of training provider

We are working with UGM business entity, best university in Indonesia to build connection to corporate and industry experts

We are working with UNDIP business entity, to build partnerships with all universities in Indonesia (they turn from association to legal standing corporation)

Your business model & funding

What is your business model?

Key customers and beneficiaries

Marginal people who had received lower education, people who had been laid off due to lacking skills

SMEs who used to be offline and does not connected to tools that could help them get credits through fintech, digital marketing increasing sales and accounting apps to help them track their financial record

Government will help to pay the re-skill and upskill by providing e-money for digital training

Product and service provided:

Real digital and technical projects and practical digital skills

How we provide them :

We deliver them through online classes and group chat

Partnership with vocational training providers even universities to help with the quality and final project assessments

Social impact measures:

Increase acceptance rate of job fit for our graduates of the vocational digital programs

Improve in sales and revenues for the SME

What is your path to financial sustainability?

Entrepreneur support: We provide training and support to SMEs who buy the training 

Free for service: low cost subscription yearly fees so they could have access and updates on the training

Government will provide the e-money for training for the marginal: Rp 10 trillion equal to $728k will be distributed in year 2020 alone to support 2 million job seekers

Market linkage: Job seekers and connection

Partnership potential

Why are you applying to the Digital Workforce Challenge?

Apart for funding, we wanted to get International exposure so we could also help spreading our solutions to the world

And how cultural approach will also influence the delivery of the solution

We are excited to help Indonesian government and also government across the globe to tackle the challenge of digital talents

We are confident we could be the pioneer to start solving the problems

As digital talents are not mutually exclusive with geeks and should be encompass everyone on how about they are approaching life and possible solutions to their business

What types of connections and partnerships would be most catalytic for your solution?

  • Distribution
  • Funding & revenue model
  • Media & speaking opportunities

With what organizations would you like to partner, and how would you like to partner with them?








The UN

Government across the world, Ministry of Education, Schools, Training providers

Solution Team

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