Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Our Organization

The Baobab Project Group

What is the name of your solution?

Resilient Modular Patio House

Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

Climate-Proof and Multi-Dimensional: Holistic approach to building sustainable, modular homes that grow with the needs of the community in a changing climate

Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

As long as the focus lies on ‘better’ instead of ‘good’, true equality will stay a dream
Some suggested solutions for the housing shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa include initiatives such as public-private partnerships, slum upgrading programs, and affordable housing schemes. While these programs can provide much-needed housing for low-income families, they may not necessarily address the underlying causes of the housing shortage and may not promote long-term equality. Which keeps communities dependent on constant upgrades and external support to be able to grow.

Your growth is determined by the walls that surround you
An individual's progress and advancement are closely tied to the environment and conditions that surround them.The quality of these surroundings significantly affect an individual's capacity for growth and development. Current solutions for the housing shortage in Africa may not inherently address the underlying structural barriers that limit individuals' potential for growth and development. While improving access to housing is essential, it is equally critical to address other social, economic, and environmental factors that impact an individual's ability to thrive and reach their full potential.

We are  building to survive, not thrive
Current solutions usually focus on short-term fixes that  often provide basic shelter for survival, without considering the evolving needs of individuals and communities over time. By prioritizing the "better" mentality, these solutions may provide temporary relief but fail to create long-term progress and development. Current models and suggestions are usually not climate-adaptive and therefore will become the problems of the future. These short-term fixes can create a cycle of dependency, hindering communities from becoming truly self-sufficient and independent.

What is your solution?

The Resilient Modular Patio House is a design, construction and financial model. A testament to resilience, cultural integration, and sustainable design and the result of three years of experience and collaboration with the local community, as well as a partnership with an architectural bureau that applied its design principles to meet the specific needs, challenges, and possibilities of the people and environment. This collaboration has enabled us to create an upgraded version of our existing models, incorporating valuable feedback from the community and ensuring cultural appropriateness.

What sets our solution apart is its holistic approach that tackles multiple issues simultaneously. While many suggested solutions focus on short-term fixes, we recognize that true equality cannot be achieved by merely providing "better" housing. Instead, our Resilient Modular Patio House fosters long-term progress and development. By considering the underlying causes of the housing shortage and integrating various elements, such as urban farming, ecological principles, and climate adaptability, we create an adaptive environment that can evolve over time to meet the changing needs of the community, climate, and environment.

The patio house utilizes locally sourced building materials, including our circular soil bricks, known as CSEBs. These bricks not only contribute to the sustainability of the construction process but also provide thermal insulation, reducing the need for excessive energy consumption. By incorporating Open Building principles, inspired by John F. Habraken, our houses can easily adapt and grow according to the community's evolving requirements. From small family farmhouses to larger multi-family dwellings or even student housing, our solution is scalable and flexible.

Moreover, our homes promote climate adaptation, addressing the challenges posed by climate change. By incorporating climate-resilient features, such as rainwater harvesting systems for irrigation and sanitation, natural ventilation, and shading structures, we create an environment that mitigates the impact of extreme weather events. This not only ensures the well-being of the residents but also reduces the long-term costs associated with rebuilding and recovery efforts.

To ensure the success and relevance of our solution, we actively engage with the local Gambian communities. Community members are involved in co-creation design workshops, where their feedback and insights are integrated into the planning and implementation process. We have even incorporated members of the target community as part of our team, providing invaluable firsthand knowledge of the local context, including socioeconomic and political factors.

By integrating these community-driven and locally informed approaches, we address the root causes of the housing shortage, promote holistic development, and empower communities to become self-sufficient and independent. Our Resilient Modular Patio House is not just a housing solution; it's a catalyst for sustainable progress and equality.

Together with our circular soil brick technology, climate adaptation measures, and community engagement, our solution provides a comprehensive and long-term answer to the housing challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. We firmly believe that by creating adaptive environments that promote growth, we can break the cycle of dependency and pave the way for thriving and self-reliant communities.

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

Our solution primarily serves the communities that bear the least responsibility for climate change yet endure its harshest consequences. These marginalized populations, often overlooked in the global narrative, face the impacts of environmental challenges due to factors beyond their control. By targeting these communities, we strive to rectify the imbalance and bring positive change to where it is most needed. Within these communities, we place significant emphasis on engaging and involving the youth. As the largest demographic group, they hold the key to the future and will inherit the environment shaped by the actions of the generations before them. By actively including them in our initiatives, we inspire and empower them to envision a promising future within their own country. Through knowledge exchange and training programs, we equip them with the necessary skills to maintain their homes, practice sustainable agriculture, and effectively manage climate risks. Our aim is to provide opportunities and hope, reducing the allure of migration and fostering a sense of belonging and prosperity for the youth.

Recognizing the vital role of agriculture in The Gambia, we prioritize its integration into our solution. It is noteworthy that a significant portion of farmers in the country are women. By focusing on agricultural practices, we directly uplift women and contribute to gender equality. Through climate-smart agricultural methods like hydroponics, permaculture, and aquaponics, we enable women to actively participate in food production, income generation, and sustainable livelihoods. This empowers them, enhances their economic independence, and fosters greater gender equality within the communities we serve.

By promoting data collection and analysis, we enable communities to comprehend and integrate climate risk into their infrastructure planning and design. This empowers them to prioritize resilience, identify vulnerable areas, and develop appropriate adaptation strategies. The scalability of our solution allows it to be adapted and implemented in other regions and countries, extending its impact beyond The Gambia. It is designed to be adaptable to climate variations and future-proof, effectively addressing the evolving challenges posed by climate change.

Furthermore, we embrace the concept of open building, as advocated by John Habraken. This ensures that our solution is flexible and capable of evolving with the changing needs of the communities we serve. It remains responsive and relevant to their unique circumstances. By incorporating sustainable practices and materials, we minimize our ecological footprint and actively participate in the rejuvenation of natural habitats. This enhances the overall resilience of the communities and fosters the preservation of the local environment.

By addressing the specific needs of these communities, engaging the youth, and uplifting women through agricultural empowerment, our solution not only addresses housing and climate challenges but also tackles wider social and environmental inequalities. We strive to create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future where the most vulnerable populations are not only protected from the adverse impacts of climate change but are active contributors to their own resilience and well-being.

Hydroponics 2.jpg

Hydroponics .jpg

Training youths and women on hydroponics (2020)

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

With his Gambian and Dutch heritage, combined with over 25 visits to The Gambia, Enitor has gained a deep understanding of both cultures, which is a major advantage in creating culturally appropriate, sustainable solutions and leading a multicultural team.

Furthermore, our team comprises experts in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Health, and Leadership, which allows us to take a holistic approach to the challenges we face. This approach helps us to ensure that we address all aspects of a problem and develop a solution that is comprehensive and multi-dimensional.

To make sure that our solution is and remains relevant and appropriate to the communities we are serving, we have engaged with the local Gambian communities and involved them in our co-creation design workshops. We have even gone a step further by incorporating members of the target community as part of our team. These members provide direct and accurate feedback on existing challenges and living conditions and also actively participate in future designs and plans, as they live and work in the epicenter of the relevant target audience.

Through community engagement and local knowledge, we ensure that the solution we develop is not only relevant and appropriate to the communities' needs but also accepted and adopted by them. One part of our team lives and works in The Netherlands, and the other was born and resides in The Gambia, providing us with real-time information on the local context, including the socio-economic and political factors that influence the communities we are serving. This local engagement allows us to design and deliver solutions that are sensitive to the communities' needs and priorities.

Co-creation workshop

Co-creation Workshop (March 2020)

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Support informal communities in upgrading to more resilient housing, including financing, design, and low-carbon materials or energy sources.

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?


What is your solution’s stage of development?

Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users

How many people does your solution currently serve?

Our solution currently serves individuals and families in the community. Through our work, we have built over 10 houses from our previous models, providing homes for 10 families. Taking into account the typical composition of a Gambian family, which includes parents and an average of 3-5 children, along with 1-2 extended family members, our solution directly impacts approximately 50-80 individuals who reside in these houses.

Furthermore, our impact extends beyond the immediate residents of the houses. With 10 full-time local employees working for us, each with their own family, we indirectly support an additional 100-150 individuals who depend on these employees for their livelihoods.  Considering both the direct and indirect impact, our solution currently serves and positively affects approximately 150-230 individuals in the community. By providing housing and employment opportunities, we contribute to the well-being, stability, and development of these families, fostering a positive ripple effect that extends throughout the community

Why are you applying to Solve?

We are applying to this challenge because we believe that the support and partnership offered can significantly contribute to advancing our solution and overcoming various barriers we currently face. We recognize the importance of addressing not only the technical aspects of our project but also the financial, legal, cultural, and market challenges that lie ahead.

On the political front, we seek advice and guidance to navigate the complexities of policy and governance. By understanding the regulatory landscape and engaging with relevant stakeholders, we can effectively advocate for sustainable housing solutions and secure the necessary support and resources.

Legal expertise is crucial to ensure compliance and navigate any legal hurdles that may arise. We would greatly appreciate assistance in addressing legal considerations related to land acquisition, construction permits, and other relevant regulations.

Creating a robust and sustainable business model is essential. We hope to receive support in developing a business model that incorporates social and environmental cost-benefit analysis. This will enable us to demonstrate the value and impact of our solution, attracting potential investors and partners.

Implementing a complex, long-term financial model is a priority. We seek guidance in establishing three key principles: ground lease, sweat equity, and micro-credits for circular building materials. Assistance in designing and implementing these financial mechanisms will ensure the financial viability and scalability of our solution.

Brand awareness and funding support are critical to our success. We would appreciate assistance in raising awareness about our project, expanding our network, and connecting with potential funders who share our vision and values.

Scaling up our solution requires careful planning and expertise. We would value advice on how to effectively expand our operations and replicate our model in new locations, particularly if we are successful in obtaining the land we are currently lobbying for.

We are eager to tap into the vast knowledge and resources available within MIT's ecosystem. Learning from the experiences and research conducted by MIT and its community will enhance our understanding and enable us to improve and refine our existing solution.

John F. Habraken's concept of open building aligns closely with our approach. We would like to further integrate his principles into our solution and leverage his research and library to enhance our implementation.

Finally, establishing a long-term exchange of data and support would be invaluable. Collaboration and shared learning with partners can fuel continuous improvement and innovation, allowing us to adapt and refine our solution based on real-world insights.

By connecting with partners who can provide both monetary and non-monetary support in these areas, we can overcome the financial, technical, legal, cultural, and market barriers we face and accelerate the impact of our solution.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
  • Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
  • Legal or Regulatory Matters
  • Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Enitor Joiner

More About Your Solution

What makes your solution innovative?

Our solution represents a unique approach to addressing the critical housing shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa. What sets us apart is our commitment to not only provide housing but also foster long-term equality, sustainability, and community development. Our concept centers around a modular, open-building system that revolutionizes construction processes.

At the core of our solution is the utilization of locally sourced Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEBs), an eco-friendly alternative to conventional building materials like concrete or wood-fired bricks. By adopting CSEBs, we minimize carbon emissions associated with transportation and construction. We ensure energy efficiency and integrate renewable energy sources to further reduce emissions during the operational phase. Additionally, our emphasis on environmentally friendly materials guarantees minimal emissions and waste during decommissioning, aligning with climate goals and minimizing environmental impact while providing durable and structurally sound housing.

Moreover, our solution integrates climate-smart agriculture practices such as hydroponics, permaculture, and aquaponics. This not only enhances food security but also enables land adaptation to extreme weather conditions. By promoting sustainable agriculture, we empower communities to utilize organic and locally sourced materials, conserve water resources, and improve soil quality, leading to ecosystem restoration and a harmonious human-environment relationship.

Community involvement and education are foundational to our strategy. We firmly believe that empowering communities with knowledge and agency is essential for sustainable development. Through active participation, our solution helps communities understand and incorporate climate risk into infrastructure design and planning. Leveraging improved data collection and analysis, we equip communities with the necessary tools to make informed decisions and prepare for future climate-related challenges, fostering community ownership and resilience.

Inspired by John F. Habraken's open building concept, our solution offers a flexible environment that adapts and evolves over time to meet each community's changing needs. This adaptable nature ensures that our solution is not a one-size-fits-all approach but a tailored and responsive solution that respects the uniqueness of each community we serve.

Overall, our innovative solution comprehensively addresses the housing shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa. By prioritizing local resources, integrating climate-smart agriculture practices, promoting community involvement and education, and embracing the principles of open building, we are reshaping the housing landscape and empowering communities to thrive. Our solution catalyzes broader positive impacts, setting new standards in sustainability, resilience, and community-driven development, thus transforming the market and inspiring others to adopt similar innovative approaches.

What are your impact goals for the next year and the next five years, and how will you achieve them?

Apart from our subgoals, these are our primary aspirations for the next year and the next five years, outlining the profound and far-reaching effect we aim to achieve through our solution.

1.Upcoming year (Year 1): Our immediate goal is to apply our upgraded model to five infill plots that we already have. Simultaneously, we will initiate a political lobby to acquire public land, enabling us to test our concept at a neighborhood level. This will allow us to showcase the benefits of our solution and build momentum for future expansion.

2.Within 2 years (Year 2): We aim to implement a ground lease model that offers more affordable housing options to the broader community, including social housing rental options. By providing accessible and sustainable housing solutions, we can address the pressing issue of housing affordability and uplift disadvantaged communities.

3.Within 3 years (Year 3): Our goal is to establish a circular, self-build construction model and training facility. This will empower individuals and communities to actively participate in the construction process, fostering a sense of ownership and pride. Through training programs, we will equip community members with valuable skills, creating employment opportunities and enhancing self-sufficiency.

4.Within 5 years (Year 5): Our vision is to build the first Boabab villages comprising a minimum of 500 houses. This milestone will directly impact over 50,000 people, providing them with secure housing, access to training and education, job creation, and improved food security. These self-sustaining communities will serve as models of resilience and social progress.

5.Within 5 years (Year 5): In addition to the direct impact on individuals and communities, we aim to indirectly impact and empower over 5,000,000 people through various means. We will achieve this through awareness campaigns, including a documentary we are working on that follows this journey, and leveraging the power of social media to amplify our message. By sharing our journey and success stories, we aim to inspire others and spark a broader movement towards sustainable and inclusive housing solutions.

To achieve these impact goals, we will continue collaborating with local communities, engaging in political advocacy, leveraging partnerships, and seeking support from communities likeSolve. 

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 1. No Poverty
  • 2. Zero Hunger
  • 3. Good Health and Well-being
  • 4. Quality Education
  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 13. Climate Action
  • 15. Life on Land

How are you measuring your progress toward your impact goals?

To measure our progress towards our impact goals, we employ specific indicators that provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of our solution. These indicators allow us to track our progress and ensure that we are making meaningful strides towards achieving our desired impact. Here are the key indicators we utilize:

Number of houses built: One fundamental indicator is the quantification of houses successfully constructed. This metric serves as a tangible outcome of our efforts and a clear measure of progress in providing adequate housing to communities in need. By setting specific targets for the number of houses to be built within defined timeframes, we can track our progress and adapt our strategies accordingly.

Community engagement: We consider community engagement vital to our solution's success. Therefore, we measure the level of community involvement and participation. Indicators such as the number of community members participating in co-creation workshops, the extent of feedback received, and the integration of community insights into our plans enable us to assess the effectiveness of our engagement efforts. These indicators ensure our solution is aligned with the community's needs and aspirations.

Impact on livelihoods: Recognizing that our solution extends beyond housing provision, we measure its impact on livelihoods. Tracking indicators such as job opportunities created through construction, income generation for local workers, and overall economic improvement within the communities we serve provides insights into how our solution positively affects livelihoods and economic well-being.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) alignment: To assess our progress comprehensively, we align our indicators with relevant SDGs. For example, we track indicators related to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, including access to safe and affordable housing, improved urban planning, and sustainable construction practices. Indicators associated with other pertinent SDGs such as SDG 1: No Poverty and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth are also considered, ensuring our solution contributes to broader development objectives.

Long-term impact: We recognize the lasting impact of our solution and assess it accordingly. Indicators such as the level of self-sufficiency achieved by communities, their ability to maintain and adapt houses over time, and overall improvements in their quality of life provide insights into the sustainability of our solution.

By consistently monitoring and analyzing these indicators, we gain valuable insights into our progress towards our impact goals. This data-driven approach empowers us to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution to stakeholders, partners, and funders.

What is your theory of change?

Our theory of change outlines the pathway through which we believe our solution will create a meaningful impact on the problem at hand. It is based on our deep understanding of the problem, insights from community engagement, and lessons learned from our experience. Here is our theory of change:

Problem identification: We have identified the pressing issue of inadequate and unsustainable housing in communities, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. This problem is characterized by poor living conditions, limited access to affordable housing, and vulnerability to climate change.

Solution design: Through extensive collaboration with the local community and architectural expertise, we have developed the Resilient Modular Patio House. This solution incorporates sustainable design principles, locally sourced materials, and climate adaptation features, providing a holistic approach to addressing the housing problem.

Implementation: We apply our solution by building houses on infill plots in existing urban areas, prioritizing private land. By starting with small-scale implementation, we gain practical experience, refine our processes, and create initial impact for a few families.

Iterative improvement: We actively engage with the community during the implementation phase, seeking their feedback and insights. This iterative process allows us to continuously improve our solution, ensuring cultural appropriateness, and responsiveness to the community's evolving needs.

Scaling up: Building upon the initial success, we aim to expand our solution to larger areas and new town developments on public land. Through a political lobby, we advocate for access to public land to test our solution on a neighborhood level, thereby demonstrating its viability and impact at a broader scale.

Sustainable financial model: We develop a sustainable financial model based on three key principles: ground lease, sweat equity, and micro-credits for circular building materials. This model ensures affordability, community ownership, and the promotion of local economic development.

Knowledge sharing and partnerships: To enhance our impact, we leverage partnerships with organizations like MIT to access their expertise, ecosystem, and research resources. By tapping into the knowledge of renowned experts like John F. Habraken, we further refine and expand our understanding of open building principles and their implementation.

Long-term impact: As we continue to implement our solution, we anticipate several outcomes. These include improved living conditions for families, enhanced community resilience to climate change, economic empowerment through job creation, and increased food security through urban farming initiatives.

Our theory of change is supported by evidence gathered through community engagement, feedback from beneficiaries, and research on sustainable housing practices. We recognize that the impact of our solution is not immediate but unfolds over time as we iterate, scale, and refine our approach. By connecting our activities to immediate outputs (such as house construction) and longer-term outcomes (such as improved livelihoods and sustainable communities), we establish a logical framework that guides our efforts and ensures our solution's effectiveness. 

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

The core technology that powers our solution is the use of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) as the primary building material. These blocks can be produced locally, empowering individuals to build their own houses with the support of our team. The CSEBs are environmentally friendly, reusable, and minimize waste. By sourcing the sand locally and producing the blocks on-site, we significantly reduce transportation impacts.

The modular design of the houses is based on small studios with a span of 4x4 meters that can serve various functions, such as bedrooms, shared bedrooms, small studios, living rooms, or even small shops or offices. The houses can expand over time by adding additional rooms while leaving sufficient open space for the patio, which acts as the green heart and natural air conditioner of the home. The patio also allows rainwater to permeate the soil, promoting a healthy ecosystem and benefiting the residents.

A locally sourced bamboo frame holds the secondary roof in place, providing shading. Cross-ventilation is facilitated through ceiling windows, creating a natural draft that cools the space. The roof collects rainwater into a gutter, which is connected to a water tank for irrigation and sanitary use. A small pump, connected to a photovoltaic solar panel, powers the system. In the future, additional solar panels can be mounted on the roof, turning the houses into micro-grids for the projected transition to all-electric systems in Africa.

The modular design allows for flexibility and adaptability to the changing needs of the community. It enables locals to build their own houses through sweat equity, eliminating the need for significant upfront investments. The compact sleeping spaces with high ceilings align with the CSEB walls, providing thermal cooling effects and maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures. The more active spaces for living, cooking, and working can be projected outside the brick volumes under a veranda situation, offering flexible usage.

The modular patio house concept is based on the principles of open building pioneered by John F. Habraken, an influential architect. Our vision is to create a sustainable modular neighborhood where each patio house can evolve at its own pace, fulfilling various functions and contributing to a circular, carbon-neutral urban model. We are engaging with authorities, politicians, and investors to identify a suitable location in Gambia to develop this prototype neighborhood, which can serve as a model for other African countries.

Beyond providing affordable and sustainable housing, our solution addresses the challenges of rapid urbanization and the loss of green spaces. The modular patio homes preserve micro-networks of open, green spaces that support agriculture, biodiversity, and create natural cooling machines. These spaces act as micro-urban oases, enhancing the well-being of both people and the environment.

Overall, our solution leverages the core technology of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks and a modular design approach to empower individuals, promote sustainability, and create resilient communities that thrive in harmony with nature.


Projects over the past years:


Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new application of an existing technology

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Materials Science
Your Team

What type of organization is your solution team?

Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit

How many people work on your solution team?

14 full time, 3 parttime

How long have you been working on your solution?

4 years

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

Our current business model is based on an ownership model and commercial projects. We provide value to our customers and beneficiaries by offering affordable and sustainable housing solutions through the use of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) and modular design. We enable individuals and communities to build their own houses through sweat equity, supported by our team. This approach empowers them and addresses the pressing need for housing. As we move forward and aim to tackle larger-scale housing projects, we are seeking long-term, feasible business models that promote self-sufficiency within the community. Currently, we utilize the profits from our commercial projects to fund our non-profit initiatives. However, we recognize the importance of developing sustainable and self-sufficient models to ensure the long-term viability and impact of our work. In collaboration with MIT, we hope to create a business model that fosters self-sufficiency and financial independence for the communities we serve. By exploring innovative approaches and leveraging the expertise and resources provided by MIT, we aim to establish a sustainable future where housing is accessible to all. This entails developing long-term business models that support the community's self-sufficiency while maintaining our commitment to social and environmental impact.

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?

Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)

What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable?

Our plan for becoming financially sustainable involves a multi-faceted approach that combines various revenue streams and strategic partnerships. Here are the key elements of our plan: Diversifying Revenue Streams: We aim to expand our revenue sources beyond commercial projects by exploring opportunities such as affordable housing developments, government contracts, and partnerships with housing agencies. This diversification will help us reduce dependency on a single income stream and create a more stable financial foundation. Social Enterprise Initiatives: We are exploring the establishment of social enterprises that align with our mission and complement our core housing solutions. These ventures may include training programs, sustainable building material production, or other income-generating activities that contribute to our financial sustainability while creating additional social impact. Fundraising and Grants: We will continue actively seeking grants and donations from philanthropic organizations, foundations, and individuals who share our vision. These funds will support our non-profit projects and enable us to expand our reach to more communities in need. Partnerships and Collaborations: We will leverage partnerships with NGOs, government entities, and corporate sponsors to access funding, resources, and expertise. Collaborative efforts will not only provide financial support but also open doors to new opportunities for growth and sustainability. Social Impact Investment: We aim to attract social impact investors who align with our mission and are interested in supporting innovative housing solutions. By engaging with impact investors, we can access capital for scaling our operations while creating positive social and environmental outcomes. Revenue Generation from Services: Alongside our housing solutions, we plan to offer related services such as architectural consultancy, construction management, and training programs. These services will not only generate revenue but also contribute to building a knowledge-sharing ecosystem and fostering long-term partnerships. Cost Optimization: We will continuously review and optimize our operational costs, exploring efficient building techniques, sustainable material sourcing, and streamlined processes. Cost optimization will help maximize our financial resources and increase our overall sustainability. By implementing these strategies, we aim to achieve financial sustainability while staying true to our mission of providing affordable and sustainable housing solutions. We recognize that financial sustainability is essential for the long-term impact and scalability of our work, and we are committed to exploring innovative approaches to achieve this goal.

Solution Team

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