Project Overview

Project Name:

Dibari-assisted cesarean section surgery

One-line project summary:

Cesarean delivery for women in sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the world

Pitch your project.

Dibari is a technological solution that detects childbirth problems during a woman's pregnancy and indicates whether she will give birth normally or by cesarean section.
She is trying to put an end to the deaths of mothers who will now be able to give birth without losing their lives.
Over the next five years, Dibari will grow to support high quality maternal and child health care in West Africa and beyond. Because our solution is designed to support national protocols based on World Health Organization guidelines, it can be shared with minimal adjustment with other national health programs.
Modules have been added to improve pregnancy monitoring and surgical safety in order to save mothers who have experienced these symptoms and who are more likely to die after a cesarean:
• Preoperative placental complications,
• A rupture of the uterus,
• Bleeding before birth,
• Severe obstetric bleeding during surgery
• Complications of anesthesia

What is your surgical training module?

Dibari improves and makes surgery safer to enable patients to present earlier and avoid complications and death.
To achieve this, we have focused on early and more sophisticated identification of bleeding risks, coupled with less restrictive use of treatments for postpartum hemorrhage.
Blood products with an extended shelf life must also be added to their proposals
And help for mothers via the Internet and / or mobile applications, this in the context of anesthesia that could even be performed by non-doctors.
Improving cesarean surgery outcomes could dramatically improve maternal and newborn mortality, leading to key health gains around the world.
Our findings could potentially inform interventions aimed at improving the safety of cesarean sections for mother and baby, including early identification of risk (e.g. risk of bleeding), lowering the threshold for use of drugs used to treat postpartum hemorrhage, especially where blood availability is low; improved access to blood and blood products with a long lifespan, and innovative methods of training non-physician anesthetists, including online support and mobile applications.

What specific surgical skills are you teaching?

In general, Dibari is subdivided into 3 phases:

Phase 1: Monitoring the woman's pregnancy

Phase 2: Assistance during Caesarean section surgery

Phase 3: Psychic, mobile follow-up and wound healing

Fresh post-partum

  • Reduction of pain
  • Reduction of the formation of adhesions on the scar
  • Reduced risk of inflammation and edema

On old scars

  • Reduction of pain
  • Tissue softening
  • Decrease in fibrosis and adhesions

Dibari can also act on various ailments (with appropriate sessions and techniques) and help improve the tone of the perineum, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, reduce pelvic pain, urinary disorders or genitourinary syndrome of the menopause.

DIBARI has different modes of use with a varied range of equipment (handpieces (electrodes), adhesive plates or even wristbands) which offer experts maneuverability, comfort, freedom of movement and allow many treatments.

Process and support

For the course of the session, the patient is lying down on the table, a reference plate is placed on her lower back. The treatment takes place in 3 sessions:

Session 1: Gentle massage on the area to soften the tissues and relieve pain

Session 2: Massage on the area to act on fibrosis and adhesions in depth

Session 3: Thanks to the use of a bracelet, worn on the wrist, the practitioner transmits DIBARI energy to his movements, allowing him to bring a targeted biological action to his gesture. Support for the practitioner is essential.

Who does your project serve, and in what ways will the project improve their skills?

In general, Dibari is designed for doctors and women, but more especially for pregnant women who are in the process of giving birth. We go looking for them and try to understand their problems. Dibari follows up during the pregnancy to avoid a cesarean delivery, will assist them so that the surgery takes place in the best conditions and without psychological or psychiatric problems, prevents them from losing their life by giving another and also bodily consequences.

Dibari is designed to be replicated across the African continent.
A low-cost, quality-driven digital health package to dramatically improve maternal and child health outcomes, designed to scale across West Africa and the rest of the world.
The Dibari concept arose out of the desire of the HelpWoman Project and the Republic of Guinea's Ministry of Health to maintain and replicate our successful quality improvement program initially created to improve the quality of care for pregnant women and their newborns. -born.
Physicians and pregnant women have been actively engaged in collecting, analyzing, and responding to data on cesarean section. Doctors are now empowered to improve Caesarean section surgery and mothers are inspired to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors.

In what city, town, or region is your project team headquartered?

Conakry, Guinea

What is your project's stage of development?

Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model. If for-profit, a new company that has raised little or no institutional capital (less than $500,000) in pre-seed fundraising.

Who is on your team?

  • BANGOURA Ibrahima - Technical Manager and leader
  • DAFFE Mohamed - Software engineer
  • TOURE Aminata - Educator and Clinician
  • KABA Abdoulaye - Software engineer
  • SOW Warda        -  Designer 

Who can join your team?

To strengthen our project team, we need the people below :

  1. Clinician
  2. Educator
  3. Medical illustrators

Solution Team

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