Project Summary:
The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate compared to all other develop countries and it continues to rise. In fact, the US maternal mortality has doubled the last 25 years, disproportionately affecting Black women and birthing people, who are currently 3 to 4 times more likely to die in childbirth when compared to their White counterparts (CDC, 2020). While there are many different factors contributing to this growing statistic and much still to learn, what we do know from over 3 years of research and 40 preliminary interviews/focus groups is that these statistics have left many Black women and expectant parents feeling disempowered, as though their only option is to birth in fear; and similarly left maternal care providers feeling lost as to what specific steps to take to improve the quality of their care. Birth By Us supports expectant parents, specifically those who have been systemically oppressed in healthcare and other social systems, in regaining the feeling of control around their birth journey through personalized resources and health insights. For providers, Birth By Us takes the guess-work out of improvement by turning patients’ feedback into comprehensive, routine quality reports placed side-by-side with valuable resources to help providers make impactful changes.
Health & Assistive TechnologiesProject Video
Solution Team
Ijeoma Uche Co-founder, Birth By Us
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Where our solution team is headquartered or located:
Boston, MA, USA