Basic Information

Where our solution team is headquartered or located:

Cambridge, MA, USA

Project Summary:

Tempok leverages the latest advances in AI and behavioral science to help children access the Web more safely and develop better online habits. Parental control software has existed for a long time but often falls short of its promise. Existing solutions don't foster new skills in kids, overburden parents, and don't consider the role of teachers or school counselors.

Instead, Tempok acts as a transparent interface overlay over a tablet/smartphone. Beyond time limits and content filters, Tempok aims to break addictive design loops, enforce through micro-interventions, and incorporate community-led policy recommendations.

Tempok's team comprises serial entrepreneurs and interdisciplinary inventors with experience in education and the telecom industry. The project is currently in the ideation phase, as we distill insights into a focused initial product and market niche. It will be incorporated as a Public Benefit Corporation with the conviction that we can have a generational impact on how children experience the Web.


Health & Assistive Technologies

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