Basic Information

Our Solution

Where's My Breakthrough?

Our solution's stage of development:


Our solution:

Where’s My Breakthrough? is a media platform for generating dialogue on mental health in minority communities. It blends topic spotlights, research interventions, and profiles. There is also a bi-monthly short podcast of interviews. The goal is to hear about others’ mental health stories, discuss, and learn about potential research-based solutions.

Our pitch:

Where's my breakthrough helps to take away the stigma of the minority community from talking about mental health. 

The problem:

Mental health is stigmatized, particularly in the minority community. By highlighting a shared experience we will create community. Additionally, solutions will be provided as tips and tools for the individual.

Why our solution will solve the problem:

Using my academic background, we will draw from interventions from behavioral sciences for public health.We will use the social ecological framework and interpersonal theories that highlight the individual in the greater context of society to activate change. Thus, social media, podcasts, and events will fall in to the stages of the framework.

Target Outcomes

Our target outcomes:

We will impact knowledge & beliefs, self-regulation, social facilitation. These will have proximal outcomes such as engagement in self-management behavior. They will also have long-term outcomes of improving mental health status. 


How we will measure our progress:

  • Outcome: 30,000 followers on Instagram
    Measurement Plan: Track using Instagram analytisc
  • Outcome: Engagement
    Measurement Plan: use of hashtags, comment section
  • Outcome: Attendance of live events
    Measurement Plan: Tracking ticket attendance using Google Analytics and Eventbrite

The populations we will benefit initially:

  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Old age
  • High-income economies
  • Urban

The regions we will benefit initially:

  • US and Canada

The technologies we employ:

  • Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)

Why our solution is unique:

There are online spaces for mental health but none solely dedicated to the minority population. For example, Huffington Post has a section on Black Voices, Latino Voices, and a section on wellness. Although the wellness spans all races, our community needs a dedicated online safe space to address our particular issues and stigmas.

Why our solution is human-centered:

This is a platform designed by a Black woman who struggles with anxiety and depression.  people are starting to be more forthcoming online. Mental health can be exacerbated by glamorous social media contrasted with terrible public tragedies. Where's My Breakthrough will be a place to sift through events and provide tips and local tools for mental health. We will talk to people who have different cultural backgrounds and how that stigmatizes or has unique ways of looking at mental health issues. We will interview trans youth of color and share their stories and discuss mental health and gender identity.

How people will access our solution:

The website will be free. People can use devices that access the internet and apps such as Instagram to find our content. We will encourage use at libraries, as they are community hubs for access to technology.

Technology-Readiness Level:

0 (Concept)
Business Plan

Our organization:

Not Registered as Any Organization

How we will sustain our team financially:

Advertisements, corporate diversity initiatives, grants, affiliate partnerships 

The factors limiting our success:

  • Personnel: for the podcast we need an editor. 
  • Reach: need to spread the word/become viral/Mission statement reach a wider audience
  • Taboo/stigmatization could be a big factor that inhibits users from participating.

How long we have been working on our solution:

Less than 1 year

How long it will take to develop a pilot:

1-3 months

How long it will take to scale beyond our pilot:

3-6 months

Our expected annual budget:


How much of our budget we've secured to date:


Partnership Needs

We're looking for partners in these fields:

  • Technology Access
  • Online Learning
  • Behavioral / Mental Health
  • Healthcare Delivery
  • Digital Health

Why we're applying to Solve:

I am applying to solve because I need the resources to get this off the ground and could benefit from the infrastructure and support. 

Our current partners:

Jacque Boltik

Solution Team

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