Basic Information

Our tagline:

Lawgecko is a global legal service platform where businesses and
independent professionals connect, consult and collaborate remotely.

Our pitch:

1. What is the problem that you are committed to solving?

The Global Justice Gap is an intractable problem we are trying to solve, exacerbated by the following factor:


  • Human rights education is lacking in most parts of the world which is crucial for citizens in demanding their rights from those seeking to abuse them.
  • Lack of complementary and up to date information on Implementation of human rights obligation by State parties with an average data age of eighteen months.
  • Current patterns of human rights protection and violation involved treating states as centralized decision makers and examining states respect for human rights as a single country wide phenomenon which hides important and subtle variations in actors perpetrating abuses, motives for abuses, target of abuses and severity of abuse.


2. What is the solution you are proposing?

Lawgecko is a solution that consist of a smartphone app and a last-mile hardware panel that provides a sentimental education on human rights to people for free regardless of location and in keeping with the 1948 UNHRD, the platform has a help center interface that reports suspected violations, which is the complied and sent to a central server. Our supervised machine learning algorithm can the spot patterns and anomalies and automatically request more information from community organizations with boots on the ground. The information retrieved eventually forms a corpus of actionable data that would be accessible for a subscription fee by State actors and leading Human Rights organizations for deeper dives on root cause analysis, recommendations/implementations and funding decisions


3. How will your solution change the world?

Increased human-rights education is critical to ending poverty, combating discrimination and enhancing global democracy thereby creating opportunities for a sustainable global population.

Watch our elevator pitch:

Where our solution team is headquartered or located:

Dallas, TX, USA

The dimensions of the Challenge our solution addresses:

  • Upskilling, Reskilling, and Job Matching
  • New Industries
About Your Solution

What makes our solution innovative:

We would be using technology to improve the processes in the old way of tackling the Global Human Rights challenges

How technology is integral to our solution:

Our data at lawgecko is a key part of our business model, our goal is to accumulate raw data from the end users in our system and have our supervised machine learning algorithm extract insight from this corpus for the benefit of our paying customers in the form of network effects. - Think Diagnostic

Our solution goals over the next 12 months:

Our goals are simple

A. Onboard technical talent to help with platform development

B. Increase customer base to achieve critical mass.

Our vision over the next three to five years to grow and scale our solution to affect the lives of more people:

Over the next three to five years, we'll have tried to successfully create an overarching framework which would be instrumental in developing and keeping a massive following for the solution. We would attempt to blend the conceptual and the granular, a system that engages human beliefs in fairness and show them how to take action or report perceived violations easily, we would have ended up creating a valuable tool in their lives that can make significant impact on a global scale.

Our promotional video:

The key characteristics of the populations who will benefit from our solution in the next 12 months:

  • Adolescent
  • Non-binary
  • Urban
  • Lower
  • Middle

The regions where we will be operating in the next 12 months:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • US and Canada

How we will reach and retain our customers or beneficiaries:

The Lawgecko app would be deployed on the cloud, and available for download through android and IOS stores. Our beneficiaries would be reached via targeted social media advertisement  within the first twelve months

How many people we are currently serving with our solution:

200 people are currently using the prototype version of the app which they downloaded via app stores, there is increased awareness within the community on what their rights are  and its an amazing experience, its like bringing the words in the 1948 Human Rights declaration document to life.

How many people we will be serving with our solution in the 12 months and the next 3 years:

We expect that number to grow geometrically by 1000% within the next 12 months.

We will be engaging them with sentimental human rights educational videos with enlightenment in mind.

In three years we intend to grow by 300%

About Your Team

How our solution team is organized:

Hybrid of For Profit and Nonprofit

How many people work on our solution team:


How many years we have been working on our solution:

5-10 years

The skills our solution team has that will enable us to attract the different resources needed to succeed and make an impact:

Big data analysis, Creative content development, sensational graphic designs, Scrum and Agile methodology, social good and community development

Our revenue model:

We would be using the subscription model for Countries interested in real time monitoring of human and civil rights issues of their citizens as well as leading human rights organizations interested in monitoring Global Human rights violation to improve their State parties recommendation and funding strategies

Partnership Potential

Why we are applying to Solve:

I am interested in getting feedback or constructive criticism on the solution and probably professional mentorship necessary to build and scale an important solution of this magnitude.

The key barriers for our solution:

Network, gaining access to leading human rights organization is a hurdle, but with the backing of Solve, big organizations would listen and take us seriously as we use our skills in joining the fight for universality of human rights and increased access to justice.

The types of connections and partnerships we would be most interested in if we became Solvers:

  • Peer-to-Peer Networking
  • Organizational Mentorship
  • Connections to the MIT campus
  • Impact Measurement Validation and Support
  • Preparation for Investment Discussions

Solution Team

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