MIT Solve | Indigenous Communities Fellowship Community Engagement Clinic
Learn more about Solve's Global Challenges here!MIT Solve | Indigenous Communities Fellowship Community Engagement Clinic
Come join Solve staff to learn about the 2023 Indigenous Communities Fellowship! This session is your opportunity to learn more about: MIT Solve, the benefits of the Indigenous Communities Fellowship, commonly asked questions, Solve's selection criteria, and anything else that helps your application process! This session will be recorded and posted on the Solve website if you are unable to attend. Reminder, that the 2023 Indigenous Communities Fellowship is open from February 1 to May 9th this year, so you can continue to edit and work on your application anytime before May 9th. Please note that the Fellowship is only open to applicants from within the United States, Canada, and US and Canada territories.
If you would like to learn more on how to apply to Solve's Global Challenges, please join one of the Application Clinics here!