Hosted by Solve and General Motors

Detroit, MI

MIT’s Solve initiative, in partnership with General Motors, will be hosting a Solveathon on June 8th from 9am-3pm at TechTown Detroit. The event will be facilitated by MIT Solve staff and focus on refining great ideas from the Detroit community in response to Solve’s Work of the Future and Teachers and Educators challenges.

You can participate in the event under either of two roles:

  1. If you are working on a solution to one of the two challenges. We will select ~8 solutions to focus on, with the Solveathon attendees providing ideas and support for technical, business, or strategic problems. Solutions can be for-profit or non-profit, and must have at least initial research or prototyping in progress.

  2. If you have expertise, networks, or skills that could benefit solutions. A wide range of skills is critical to creating human-centered compelling solutions - engineering, design, marketing, business planning, art, community engagement, education, policy, etc. Solve will select ~50 participants, striving for a diverse event.

If you are interested in participating either as a pre-Solver or as a participant, please fill out this form so we can learn a little more about you. We will review submissions on a rolling basis starting on May 23rd, and notify participants starting on May 30th.

Regardless of whether you come to the event, please share this call for submissions. Anyone can submit a solution to Solve, and a wider reach will help create a stronger Solver cohort.

If you have questions about the event, please reach out to Alexander Dale. We hope to see you on June 8th – sign up now.

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