Autism Detection at Birth
Early detection of autism through routine ABR testing
Solution Summary
Autism affects approximately 75 million people worldwide. Therapy can significantly reduce symptom severity, but to be most effective, it must be administered at a very young age. Autism Detection at Birth enables this early intervention. The solution modifies Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) tests—routine hearing screenings performed on four million newborns each year—to help medical professionals detect autism earlier and at scale.
By examining extensive existing ABR testing data, Oren Miron’s research team found that autistic newborns have slower auditory nerve response times than non-autistic newborns. With this data, they developed an algorithm that can be applied to all ABR tests, effectively turning each screening into an autism test.
Market Opportunity
- Four million infants receive ABR tests each year, providing an existing opportunity for autism screening.
- Earlier detection can lead to more effective treatment.
- Effective treatment helps people with autism enter the workforce and saves costs associated with care.
- Research published in academic journals
- Several publications pending
Organization Goals
- By 2019, develop a sustainable business model that maximize patient benefits
- Funding for additional research in different geographies
Existing Partnerships
Autism Detection at Birth current partners include:
- Research with Harvard Medical School
- Research with other Greater Boston area hospitals
Partnership Goals
Autism Detection at Birth seeks partners for:
- Collaboration with NGOs working in developing nations to reach diverse populations
- Pre-Seed
We developed a brain test for autism, which is based on a test that screens hearing impairment on 4,000,000 newborns a year. Modifying those hearing tests to also test autism would allow earlier treatment that decreases autism severity and increases the ability to join the workforce.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs social-communication in ~75,000,000 people worldwide, and prevent most of them from joining the workforce. The inability to work leads in the U.S. to a loss of $175B/year, and it leads in developing countries to neglect & murder of children with autism. Treatment is usually ineffective by the time autism is diagnosed (average age of 4 years). In the few cases were autism is diagnosed at 2 years of age, treatment drastically reduces autism severity, and allows most individuals to join the workforce. Testing autism on every newborn requires an inexpensive test.
Our peer-reviewed article found that prolonged Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) could predict autism at birth (Miron et al 2016). ABR hearing tests created extensive data, which we examined retrospectively to verify our test and to improve its accuracy. We now aim to modify the 4,000,000 hearing tests done each year to also test autism. ABR hearing tests are rapidly expending in developed & developing countries (ex. Philippines), leading to a potential 100,000,000 tests/year. Based on our findings, we also develop a hearing aid to dampen workplace noises that hurt workers with autism.
Our test will allow earlier detection, which allows earlier treatment that enables most people with autism to join the workforce and save billions of dollars. Deployment will start on the 4,000,000 existing ABR tests (2,000,000 of which are done in the U.S.). This will expedite the process of replacing the cheaper and less accurate OAE hearing test done 8,000,000 newborns/year and entering countries that considering starting hearing testing (ex. Philippines). Lastly, we will implement our autism-specific hearing aid to help children with autism go to regular schools & help older people with autism join the workforce.
Track ABR tests through U.S. Hospitals - 2,000,000 ABR hearing tests that also test autism in U.S. hospitals
Track ABR tests through Philippines Hospitals - 1,750,000 ABR hearing tests that also test autism in Philippines hospitals
Track government report on number of ABR detections of autism & number of autism hearing aids used - 10,000,000 people with autism improving their workforce ability due to ABR test & autism hearing aid within 10 years
- Child
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Early childhood education
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- US and Canada
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
ABR autism testing shifts from others in the field that focus on MRI tests, because MRI is too expensive to screen 4,000,000 newborns/year, while ABR already screens 4,000,000 newborns/year. MRI requires a room-sized device costing >$1,000,000 and takes an hour to perform by skilled technicians. In contrast, ABR can be built for <$100, works everywhere, and takes 5 minutes to perform by untrained people. We also provide an autism specific hearing-aid that dampens workplace sounds and can introduce certain sounds/music to help the autistic sensitivity.
ABR tests hearing on 4,000,000 newborns a year, including in developing countries. More developing countries have begun pilots with ABR (ex. Philippines), and it could be implemented there even quicker once we show them that it allows autism detection. This message would be even stronger if it is amplified by the SOLVE U.N. platform. ABR hearing testing saved billions of dollars for the U.S. government, which is why it is provided for every newborn, including in underserved communities. Modifying ABR to also test autism would especially help newborns in underserved communities & countries that lack diagnosis resources.
ABR autism testing uses the 4,000,000 hearing tests performed each year, so it is already affordable and accessible to every newborn in the U.S. and other western countries. In developing countries, ABR testing is mainly in large and affluent cities, but it is gradually spreading to rural areas. Adding autism detection to the ABR hearing testing would incentivize governments to hasten ABR implementation in rural villages. ABR test is mainly performed in hospital, but it is also used in developed villages, which suggests it could be adapted to developing villages.
- 6-8 (Demonstration)
- United States
We research in Harvard Medical School and we use extensive existing data, which removes the need for funding for research personal, participant recruitment and testing. Oren Miron donated $10,000-CAD ($7721-USD) that he won for this discovery in “The-Next-Einstein” competition. Our goal is to make the test affordable to underserved communities and countries, so scaling with government and philanthropy would be ideal. If a commercial aspect would prove needed, we would ensure that it does not make testing unaffordable for low-income families but rather that it creates funds to subsidize tests for those families.
Autism is rarely detected under age 2 years, which lead to treatment procedures being optimized for age 2 years and above. Studies on treatment below 2 year show promising results but they used smaller samples, and so ABR autism detection would need to refer participants for larger studies under age 2 years to optimize treatment. Autism treatment & awareness is improving in developing countries but it is mostly confined to the cities. It would take a gradual process for awareness to reaches most of the rural population, but ABR autism tests can hasten that process.
- 5+ years
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- Early Childhood Education
- Behavioral / Mental Health
- Digital Health
- Diagnostics & Testing
- Maternal & Child Health
We are applying to Solve in order to introduce our ABR autism test to the solve community, which could provide us with exceptional mentorship and support. We would especially cherish help in introducing our test to developing countries, for example by giving a speech at the U.N. We could also greatly benefit from mentorship in regards to introducing new medical technologies in the U.S. We are always open to collaborations on the ABR autism test with researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers.
Our core group is at Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Biomedical Informatics. We are collaborating with researchers in Harvard affiliated hospitals and with hospitals and universities across the U.S. We are also developing partnerships in Ivory Coast, Australia, Israeli and Belgium to help us grow beyond the U.S.
Jeremy Piven (MRI test), but he showed support for our research since we share a goal to help kids.
Solver Team
Organization Type:
Cambridge, MA, USA
Company Stage:
Working in:
USA and E. Africa

Reseach Associate
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
