An interactive online platform ensuring 24/7 access to essential health information and personalized counseling for vulnerable youth
Solution Pitch
The Problem
Between the ages of 10 and 24, children pass through key developmental experiences and complex emotional and moral questioning on their path to adulthood. However, teens are the least likely of all age groups to receive or access traditional health services necessary to accompany them through this developmental process. Without adequate support, teens often turn to common risky behaviors including violence, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, risky sexual behaviors, sedentarism, and poor nutrition. In fact, these behaviors contribute to 75 percent of healthcare costs of illness and death in Latin America and the United States. The financial and social costs associated with these behaviors during adolescence and later in life are staggering for governments and society. According to the US Customs and Border Protections, 50,000 unaccompanied Central American minors migrate to the US border each year and have little access to formal counseling or guidance. Additionally, one out of every four Nicaraguan girls become mothers by age 18, and increasing rates of suicide and suicidal ideation continue to devastate Latin American communities.
The Solution by TeenSmart International is an interactive online platform where youth guide their own process of reflection through the different services, such as personal health quizzes, confidential coaching, a virtual health library, confidential online coaching, and a community health resource directory. ensures access to essential health information and personalized counseling for vulnerable youth. To date, more than 89,000 Latin American teens who otherwise would not have had such support, have accessed the platform. By engaging teens to prevent and reduce risky behaviors, also encourages them to create a life project, continue studying, and seek new job opportunities. By leveraging the power and flexibility of, TeenSmart has provided an essential, sustainable, and impact-driven service for teens living in vulnerability.
Currently, TeenSmart is used in 20 countries across Latin America, the United States, and Spain, reaching about 89,000 teens.
Market Opportunity
Violence, tobacco, alcohol consumption, drug use, risky sexual behaviors, poor nutrition and lack of exercise are the six risk behaviors that represent 75 percent of costs in illness and death among adolescents. In Costa Rica alone, this is an estimated $5 billion. is free for Latin American youth and would alleviate some of these costs.
Organization Highlights
Received grants from Interamerican Development Bank, Global Stars from Grand Challenges Canada, and the Canadian Embassy.
Partnership Goals seeks:
Connections to experts who can help support the advancement of JovenSalud’s technical development, including the redesign of the platform for a more user-centered interface and the expansion of the Spanish-language chatbot for teens.
Strategic marketing and publicity support to help reach millions of teens in the next five years with a particular focus on Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.
Strategic business model advice to support a shift in business strategies to reach profitability.
Connections to cross-sector leaders with experience in technology, business development, and business models to serve on its board and promote its mission.
When Covid-19 began, 160 million students in Latin America stopped receiving classes in person. With COVID cases increasing and schools still closed, TeenSmart International is committed to supporting the most vulnerable youth so that they are not excluded from achieving a high-quality education to build 21st century skills and competencies. TeenSmart provides, an online, safe and equitable learning environment that supports the physical and mental health of 10-24 year-olds. Our online coaching service gives youth support from professional psychologists and includes a system for identifying and monitoring high-risk cases in mental health (depression, suicide, abuse, violence). Our virtual courses teach skills to young people to deal with situations such as bullying, improve their self-esteem and mood and prevent online risky behaviors. Our solution also has a communication system which sends “microlearning messages” and right now we are executing a project called YoMePreparo to prevent school dropout and support students.
Between the ages of 10-24, children pass through key developmental experiences and complex emotional and moral questioning on their path to adulthood. For teenagers as individuals and for the society that surrounds them, adolescence is an opportunity for skill-building, introspection, building community, questioning status quo, exploring, and learning.
However, teens are the least likely of all age groups to receive or access traditional health services necessary to accompany them through this developmental process (WHO). In the absence of support and to cope through such tremendous development, teens often turn to risk behaviors. Specifically, six common risk behaviors (violence, tobacco, alcohol/drugs, risky sexual behaviors, sedentarianism and poor nutrition) contribute to 75% of health care costs of illness and death in Latin America and the United States (CDC, UNICEF, WHO). The financial and social costs associated with these behaviors during adolescence and later in life as adults, are staggering for governments and society. In Latin America, national crises compound individual development crises and result in tragic statistics: 50,000 unaccompanied Central American minors migrate to the US border each year; 1 out of every 4 Nicaraguan girls become mothers by 18; throughout the region, increasing rates of suicide and suicidal ideation devastate communities.
TeenSmart’s solution is to promote 21st century life-skills and personal leadership in teens via - an interactive, online platform where youth have 24/7, confidential access. Youth guide their own process of reflection and support through the different services which include: personal health quizzes, confidential coaching where trained health professionals have fielded 100,000 one-on-one crisis-support, a virtual health library, online chats and forums, and a community health resource directory. For MIT’s Equitable Classrooms Global Challenge, TeenSmart will amplify its confidential, online coaching service and launch a massive campaign to address education inequalities in Latin America and promote teens to finish their learning by ensuring for the safety and mental health of learners. In addition to receiving personalized support messages, learns can request crisis support, report violence and mitigate cyberbullying. To deliver, TeenSmart uses a Learning Management System (LMS), an evaluation system, a personalized counseling system, communication tools (Twilio for SMS, for WhatsApp Business Api), development technologies (JAVA, Python, Microsoft SQL Server, AWS Environment, Web HTML 5, Ionic), Rasa and Rasa X Open Source conversational AI platform and organizational tools (Office 365, Sharepoint, Freshdesk, JIRA, Confluence). By harnessing technology, we provide 24/7 access to anyone, anywhere.
TeenSmart’s primary population are Central American youth who want the skills to be empowered, inspired, and informed in order to promote their rights to participation, development, and protection in the face of poverty, drug-trafficking, teen pregnancy, incarceration, and violence. These teens are traditionally excluded from youth development services due to gender, religious beliefs, and geographic distance from city centers. Through TeenSmart's virtual platform (, any teen, anywhere, anytime can access support. To date, 80,000 teens have registered on TeenSmart's youth platform with the potential to scale out to 70 million.
Engaging teens through an interactive online platform ensures that they are the agents of change whereas traditional approaches have focused on costly adult-led face-to-face interactions (difficult to scale) and on family and community factors (outside of teen’s control). TeenSmart listens to youth where they feel safe and comfortable: on their phones and online!
This project will be coordinated by the TeenSmart team but co-designed by the teen participants. Since 2004, more than 80,000 youth have turned to TeenSmart with their goals, questions, and stories. They tell us that they are experiencing violence, lack of opportunity and uncertainty. These life experiences are the foundation for this project’s curriculum and the youth who participate will guide their own intervention by rating their satisfaction with the messages as they receive them - ensuring that each teen be her/his own change agent for empowerment.
To hear directly from an empowered teen, visit:
To address teens' needs in a meaningful way, TeenSmart studies the data it collects on every user:
- Use: how teens find us, what services they use, how often they return, etc.
- Satisfaction (randomly assessed, teens rate 85-90% or higher)
- Impact (pre/post tests and qualitative testimonies)
Additionally, TeenSmart's work is informed by a youth leadership council and youth clubs.
- Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners—for example, through tools for crisis support, reporting violence, and mitigating cyberbullying.
Teenagers and young adults need to develop 21st century skills and competencies to thrive through the turbulent period of adolescence and to build healthy coping strategies for resilience. Unfortunately, teens are least likely of all age groups to access traditional support services and with public schools being closed throughout Latin America due to COVID, teens do not have professional support for social-emotional learning and career exploration. By launching a massive coaching & education campaign through a proven and award-winning virtual learning organization, TeenSmart can help ensure for the safety, mental health and success of learners throughout Latin America.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
TeenSmart has 15 years of success providing holistic health promotion and confidential coaching to teens throughout Latin America. TeenSmart's innovation and impact has been recognized by the prestigious Carlos Slim Exceptional Health Institute Prize (2016) and the InterAmerican Development Bank Visionary Prize (2018). Quantitative results demonstrate TeenSmart's impact on the lives of Latin American youth.
- 80,000 users
- 100,000 coaching sessions
- 10,000 course graduates who report improvements such as greater family communication, less depression and suicidal ideation, greater seatbelt and helmet use, less weapon carrying and fighting, healthier dietary habits, postponement of alcohol consumption, and greater condom use.
TeenSmart has several published studies of its impact and an external review of TeenSmart in 2018 by the Evans School of Public Affairs (UW), concluded that TeenSmart is hundreds of times more cost-effective than government management of the resulting problems.
- A new application of an existing technology
TeenSmart is uniquely innovative because it:
- listens to youth online where they feel safe and comfortable;
- uses micro-learning messaging to engage, equip and empower youth;
- transcends borders to reach youth anywhere, anytime via internet;
- promotes self-care and personal leadership among youth via free online coaching;
- advances science by collecting data on the adolescent health population, which is underreported in research;
Additionally, TeenSmart is
- cost-effective;
- scalable;
- smart and getting smarter: has an automated evaluation system that allows for continuous and immediate monitoring of use, satisfaction, and impact of services;
- based upon best behavioral science and practice. TeenSmart uses and evaluates health promotion content and methods from expert international organizations such as WHO and CDC.
- Focused on prevention: The majority of TeenSmart users are 10-13 years old which means that there is more possibility of preventing risky behaviors before they start.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Costa Rica
- Nicaragua
- United States
- Costa Rica
- Nicaragua
- United States
As of June 2021, 80,000 youth have registered on and return on average 3-4 times. We have logged over 100,000 one-on-one coaching sessions from 34,000 teens, and more than 10,000 Latin American teens have graduated from our life-skills courses. TeenSmart youth graduation rates are very high (80-90%) compared to other e-learning platforms that tend to have low engagement and high turnover.
Each year, an average of 10,000 new users register on and 2,000 of those go on to graduate from life-skills courses. Likewise, we receive 300-500 coaching requests, on average, per week.
By analyzing these user trends and data and accelerating our platform’s capacities with automatic intelligence, we can project growth at 15% to 25%/year for the next five years (90,000 in one year, 140,000 in 5 years), but we will have the capacity to serve millions of at-risk Latin American teens.
TeenSmart collects data on every single user and leads best-practices for non-profit monitoring and evaluation by measuring the following indicators:
- Use: 80,000+ youth have registered on the site and return 3-4 times on average, favoring the crisis coaching service
- User satisfaction: Teens rate the platform with 85-90% satisfaction.
- Impact: Youth who complete a pre/post-test report better family communication, increased helmet and seatblet use (traffic accidents are the number one cause of youth death in Latin America), increased use of contraceptives in the sexually-active population, and a decrease in depression and violence.
In addition to automatic measurements, TeenSmart has several published studies of its impact. In 2017, TeenSmart collaborated with CLARO (largest telecommunication service in Central America) to assess use, satisfaction and impact of SMS messages to improve family communication in youth with conflictual family relationships. Results were positive and published and assessed 13 outcomes of which 11 were statistically significant.[1]
TeenSmart results demonstrate that teens are finding the resources they need on as youth return repeatedly to the platform. For example, in 2021, coaching requests have increased by 156% over 2020 and the average user of the health resources directory has consulted it more than 25 times.
[1] Source: Medrano, V. Bonilla G., Hernández, E., Harnecker M, Gómez, A,J.Hernández, Ríos M. Strachan-Lindenberg, C. (2017). Improving family communication: Using Smartphones to encourage Nicaraguan adolescents to think, feel and take positive action. Hispanic Health Care International Vol 15, Issue 1, pp. 35 – 42.
- Nonprofit
10 full-time staff
4 part-time staff
4 contractors
TeenSmart International is a non-profit organization with 15 years of experience and legal status in the United States, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. It is led by TeenSmart’s Executive Director, Adriana Gomez, who has a master’s degree in Educational Technology from the Tecnológico del Monterrey, Mexico and has been instrumental in scaling TSI’s impact from 5,000 to 75,000 teens since 2012. She belongs to important professional networks such as Central American Healthcare Initiative and the Gratitude Fellowship Network. Her team is made up of 15 high-level professionals with advanced degrees and experience in pedagogical psychology, virtual education, graphic design, content creation, communications and monitoring and evaluations, software engineering, and instructional design, and who also train and accompany 100 professional volunteers per year.
TeenSmart's board of directors is made up of 15 experts in areas such as Public Health, Psychology, Leadership, Finance, Philanthropy, Technology and Venture Companies. We are honored that a former member of the Board of Directors and current ally, is the Costa Rican Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Salas, who has been leading Costa Rica's renowned response to the COVID-19 crisis.
TeenSmart is a visionary organization, with demonstrated results and enormous growth potential. It is for these reasons that TeenSmart was chosen for the following prestigious prizes honoring its work and impact:
- 1st Place Carlos Slim Foundation Exceptional Health Institute Award Latin America
- 2nd Place Visionary JK Prize from the InterAmerican Development Bank 2018
- 2nd Place Non-Profit with greatest social Impact in Latin America by VIVA Idea Schmidheiny 2018
At TeenSmart, we believe that meaningful change is only possible when the project is informed by the complex social and environmental circumstances and lived experiences of its beneficiaries. This is why community and youth co-design efforts are so important to TeenSmart and why we value cultural awareness and connection among our team. Staff live in Central American, studied at its schools, and are - in many cases - raising families in its vulnerable neighborhoods. Several staff were originally users of who went on to become volunteer coaches while getting their bachelors and advanced degrees. The Board of Directors is 50% female, 75% Central American-based, and have held leadership roles in major regional institutions such as INCAE Business School, Zamorano University in Honduras, and UPOLI University in Nicaragua.
TeenSmart has very high ethical standards for horizontality and collective wisdom development. As part of the orientation process, staff are trained on horizontal and transparent organizational best practices. We believe that knowledge is power and in inviting wise stakeholders into the conversation to solve the problem together.
Serving marginalized and vulnerable populations are the foundation of TeenSmart’s mission and values and all staff and volunteers are trained in our CRECER Para SER signature model for personal empowerment and communication in relationships. Staff then promote this through work with teens. We believe that by engaging teens through an interactive e-platform built for them, without prejudice to gender or sexual orientation, TeenSmart enables teens to be the agents of change in their own lives.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
With 17 years of experience and increasing 15% annual enrollments, TeenSmart has continued to prove that our concept works, our impact is meaningful and cost-effective, and that youth and communities need access to our 24/7 virtual health services now more than ever before. Increasingly, TeenSmart's partners in governments and institutions look to to reach teens via new technologies, media, and information. The platform has become the region's leading e-learning resource for promoting adolescent health and life skills. TeenSmart is an innovative, adaptable, capable, sustainable, mission-driven, and scalable solution that ensures cost-efficient access to health support for teens who would otherwise not have access. And TeenSmart has a strong team, an inspiring vision and a clear plan for amplifying its impact.
The SOLVE Prize would give TeenSmart the funds, the media platform, and the credibility to scale up our impact and take the next step towards a solution that is global, virtual, viral, and engaging for teens. JovenSalud 3.0 will allow us to reach millions of vulnerable adolescents, ensuring health-information and counseling access for them.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
Solver Team
Organization Type:
San Jose, Costa Rica
Working In:
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Honduras, Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Perú, United States, Paraguay, Chile, Panamá, España, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Puerto Rico
Current Employees:
Solution Website: