Climate Smart Farming in Kwale, Coast Province, KENYA
Guarantee food, security and sustainable resources management in Kwale County where subsistence farming accounts for 80% of average household income.
Q1:Farming in this area has been drastically affected by independence of rainfed agriculture which has affected production of food in the Entire County leading to mal nutrition and food insecurity.
The farming styles have not adapted to climate challenges that have come with frequent droughts, floods and extreme temperatures. Hence there is requirement for mitigation and adaptions of the various crops to these challenges. Therefore
Food insecurity peaks between the months of April and June, when the harvested stock is generally depleted. Food insecurity is tied to a combination of factors that include extreme weather and climate conditions, resource management, and access to appropriate inputs. Water is a constraining factor that limits productivity for crop and livestock production.Q2:Improve nutrition and health outcomes of vulnerable segments (children and women) of the populations, through availability of foods that would increase intake of vegetables and fruits.
- Develop food production systems based on agricultural diversification, conservation of water, and efficient use of land;
- Adapt international standards of food safety and quality for a healthy, market-oriented food supply chain in Kwale County.
- Increase the rate of technology adoption by small farmers experiencing common agricultural challenges;
- Expand and build human and institutional capacity to solve problems of food and nutrition insecurity in Kwale County.
Q3:Attain sustainable solutions to end hunger in all its forms by 2030 and to achieve food security and clean water for all in Kwale County (Kenya Strategy Paper). The aim is to ensure that everyone everywhere has enough good-quality food to lead a healthy life. Achieving this Goal will require better access to food and the widespread promotion of sustainable agriculture. This entails improving the productivity and incomes of small-scale farmers by promoting equal access to land, technology and markets, sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices. It also requires increased investments through international cooperation to bolster the productive capacity of agriculture in Kwale County through community conservation.
- Restoring and preserving coastal ecosystems
An integral team will develop Baseline focusing on a common goal, with a clear vision for the interest of the community on food, health and business, as vital information that will build informed participatory decision making viable solutions that ties into ecosystems conservations. It is a bottom-up approach. The community members will own the process and be involved at every stage for sustainability and ownership. The practice will aim for partnership and collaboration with national and county government to support this agenda on food security, clean water for all, WASH programme, with a pilot phase of about 200 hectares.
Water conservation, harvesting structures will part of the technology as an integral part of the practice. 3R principles will be applied (Water/Energy Re-tention, Re-charge and Re-lease). Farms will be irrigated by use of solar pumps (green energy). Increased production on small spaces will be enhanced using soil enrichment techniques of Permaculture practices (climate smart agriculture). Land will be regenerated by mitigating against floods, droughts using relevant water conservation structures. Cultivation of locally adaptable crops to the areas (using indigenous knowledge) and time line history information from the community elders &documentation of the information will be done by the youth.
Partnership and collaboration of national and county government to support for this agenda on food security strategy, clean water for all, WASH programme. Leverage of further funding, establishing ownership and sustainability of the practices within the community in the localities. Sharing of success stories for replication to other areas(first come service). this will build practical trainers from the pilot to show potential communities the process who will demonstrate to other areas by practical doing, exchange learning and knowledge empowerment.
The organization will hold a stakeholders meeting for 50 people comprising, agricultural officials, women group leaders, youth group leaders, persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups among government line ministries both at the county and national governments. The purpose of the stakeholder’s meeting will be to share with them the goal, objectives, activities and work plan for their buy in and support towards the project. the process of information empowerment, transmission an practice will continue(Process of trainers of trainers). Monitoring teams will receive facilitation fee to those(demand driven process)
- Adult
- Male
- Female
- Rural
- Lower
- Sub-Saharan Africa
A continuous acceptance of the project by the community will structure the demand driven process via success stories.The organization will instill the sense of ‘ownership’ of the program beneficiaries and local duty bearers on the program at the initial stages through stakeholder sensitization and consultative forums for ‘buy in’ and support. Program design will adopt cultural relevant approaches without sacrificing Human Right Based approaches. The stake holders will be involved in implementation through, over and above representation in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Committee and regular feed forward, concurrent and feedback on every stage of the program until close out.
About 70% of the households are considered food poor and 14% report not having enough food to meet their needs, leading to a high incidence of childhood stunting, general undernourishment and general acute malnutrition. Total population of Kwale is about 700,000 thousands that translates into 155,000 households. Women and youth will be targeted for economic plants(fruits trees and vegetables) About 30% of the households are using machinery and equipment on their farms, but only 2.5% use irrigation water. The technology is now to revert to water conservation to enable irrigation practices and food production all year round.
20% of the population will increase the level of food production after receiving enough agricultural training in the first year.30% of the residents will have access to enough food and clean water supply.50 people will be engaged in practical training. 70% of the population should have access to knowledge, practice and increase in food production after 3 years. Food is an essential accommodation and hence quick attention to the activity. The willingness, land resource is already there
- Non-Profit
- 9
- 1-2 years
Traditional knowledge and communication skills. The team is able to convince the local communities on the viability of the practice.They are able to interact with the local government authorities well. Community mobilisation skill- this is derived from the cultural understanding of the community setting. The local market dynamics- to enable the sale of products as required. Local framing practices and how to transfer the knowledge knowledge. This relates to weather patterns and early warning systems to mitigate against sisters and risks
The revenue model is based on private- public-partnership(PPP). the system will develop markets systems based on supply and demand to private and public institutions in and beyond the locality. Service offered by the demonstration farms will charged to the incoming groups and revenue managed on one group account for re-investments. the registered practicing members will be shareholders.the members will contribute an acceptable annual fee and receive annual dividends to keep them together. the long term sustainability is envisioned in the communal land given for practices for ownership of all. The trans-generational information pass-on is strengthened by youth an the elderly working together.
This will enhance the projects of Horn of Africa in meeting the SDGS in food sovereignty in the region, Natural resource management and capacity building to the local communities through the grassroots organisations
CSCN will create network for The agriculture sector which plays a crucial role in guaranteeing food and nutrition security, reducing poverty, and creating employment in Kwale County where subsistence farming accounts for about 80% of the average household income.
1. Land tenure system. Land belongs to male adults;Action: will work with coexisting communal lands as pilots to demonstrate success stories where gender mainstreaming will be evident 2. Frequent floods and extreme droughts;Action: Soil conservation measures, water traps will be devised to mitigate this. Indigenous climate adapted crops will be planted as accepted by the community 3. Difficulty to accept changes in crops ;Action: Participation of the stakeholders will take place from baseline studies, Planning, implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation 4. Low prices of farm products in the market;Action: market survey and diversity farm produces including high value crops
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Grant Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)

Programme Coordinator and Technical Advisor