OCAMIS: monitoring access to medicines to empower people
Mexico’s healthcare system is complex, with many subsystems organized in a public and private healthcare providers scheme. Mexico regards access to healthcare coverage as a basic human right and its fulfillment is carried out by various institutions within the public healthcare system that operate independently from each other, which can lead to fragmentation in the delivery of healthcare services.
Ensuring access to medicines is a critical aspect of the Mexican healthcare system. However, in recent years, access to medical treatment has declined, and the shortage of medicines and health supplies has become a significant issue. Sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors significantly influence the way the population experiences the health-illness-care process and access their right to the highest level of physical, mental, and social health. According to the 2020 Population and Housing Census, Mexico has a population of around 126 million people, and the age composition is starting to resemble a demographic transition, with the highest percentage of people concentrated in the adult population and advanced ages (65 years and over), and a decrease in the infant stage population. This trend anticipates an increase in demand for medical services and care for an increasingly aging population.
Additionally, changes in lifestyles have increased the risks of exposure to chronic diseases. The growing prevalence of sedentary lifestyles, stress, tobacco and drug use, violence, and dietary patterns characterized by high energy density foods has contributed to an increase in non-communicable chronic diseases such as overweight and obesity, high cholesterol, and hypertension, among others. Public health institutions must face the challenge of providing long-term and high-cost treatments due to the demand for specialized care for these chronic diseases among the population.
Poverty and lack of access to health services and social security remain significant challenges in Mexico. According to data from 2020, around 55 million people lived in poverty in the country. Additionally, approximately 28.2% of the population did not have access to health services (around 35.7 million people), and 52% did not have access to social security (around 66 million people). These figures highlight the need to improve access to healthcare services and ensure that healthcare is more equitable across the population.
One of the main challenges identified by experts to improve access to medicines in the country is the lack of a public information system that concentrates relevant and pertinent information on the availability of medicines and other healthcare supplies. There is also a lack of spaces for citizens to participate in the diagnosis and search for solutions to the aforementioned problems. However, there is an opportunity to produce reliable and timely information to monitor the levels of access to medical treatments in the general population. This information can be used to improve the quality of public decisions and motivate society's participation in decision-making, monitoring, and follow-up of national policies on access to medicines and health supplies. Ensuring access to medicines and healthcare is a fundamental component of the right to health and the obligations of the Mexican State according to current regulatory provisions.
The Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies (OCAMIS) uses technology to collect information from all the different health subsystems about medicine and health supplies access in Mexico. This information is then integrated into a main data set and homologated indicators are generated to monitor access. The use of technology in this process ensures that data is collected and analyzed in a reliable and efficient manner, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the state of access to medicines and health supplies in the country.
The OCAMIS is a collaborative platform that brings together various stakeholders, including academic institutions, civil society organizations, experts, patient groups, international and intergovernmental organizations, and authorities (federal and local). By working together, these groups can use their expertise to influence the development, implementation, and effectiveness of public policies related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies.
One of the key objectives of the OCAMIS is to create spaces for dialogue between citizens and health authorities consisting of experts on the subject of effective access to medicines and health supplies. These dialogues provide an opportunity for stakeholders to share information, discuss challenges, and develop solutions to improve access to healthcare services. By engaging in dialogue, citizens and health authorities can work together to address the complex challenges associated with healthcare access in Mexico.
The OCAMIS also generates objective and reliable information through a Monitoring System that periodically and constantly follows up on the levels of access to medical treatments for the Mexican population, especially those in greater social risk. This system ensures that data is collected and analyzed on a regular basis, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the state of access to medicines and health supplies in the country. Based on this data, the OCAMIS can issue recommendations addressed to high-ranking public officials and decision-makers to improve the effectiveness of the population's access to medicines and health supplies.
Finally, the OCAMIS generates, promotes, and disseminates information for the general population on relevant topics related to the right to health and citizen participation in public decisions. This information is critical in ensuring that citizens are informed and engaged in the development and implementation of policies that affect their right to health. By promoting transparency, accountability, and citizen participation, the OCAMIS provides a platform for citizens to actively participate in the development and implementation of policies that affect their right to health.
The Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies (OCAMIS) is a broad-spectrum solution that aims to target a vast range of groups and people through a web app platform of public access. The solution serves patients, academic institutions, civil society organizations, international and intergovernmental organizations, authorities, and the general population in Mexico.
The OCAMIS is already attending to more than 30 NGOs and patient groups, as well as more than 15 scholars groups that look to improve healthcare policies through evidence and information. By providing these groups with a collaborative platform, the OCAMIS promotes transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the development and implementation of policies that affect their right to health. The solution also helps the government and health authorities to take evidence-based decisions to create better public policies, ensuring equitable access to medicines and health supplies for all Mexicans.
Moreover, the OCAMIS is currently working with stakeholders from the public healthcare system to provide them with the evidence needed to address the problem of the shortage of medicines and health supplies. This collaboration can have a significant impact on the lives of people in Mexico, especially those who face social risk and lack access to healthcare services. By providing objective and reliable information on the state of access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico, the OCAMIS enables decision-makers to make informed decisions to improve access to healthcare services.
Overall, the OCAMIS has the potential to significantly impact the lives of people in Mexico by promoting transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the development and implementation of policies related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies. The solution can also help decision-makers to make informed decisions to improve access to healthcare services, ensuring that all Mexicans can enjoy the highest level of physical, mental, and social health.
The project of the Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies, and its team is well-positioned to deliver this solution. The institutions that make up the OCAMIS have extensive experience in the health sector and maintain a close relationship with the government sector. This relationship supports decision-making, facilitates dialogue with high-level actors, and promotes advocacy strategies. These institutions also provide solidity to the project by legitimizing the actions promoted by the organization, minimizing the risk of conflicts of interest.
The institutions that participate in the OCAMIS, such as the Centro de Investigación en Políticas, Población y Salud (CIPPS) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Nosotrxs. Nosotr@s por la democracia A.C., Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), and the Sociedad Mexicana de Salud Pública, A.C., are among the most regarded in their fields in our country, whether in the academic sector or NGOs.
Additionally, the OCAMIS team has been gathering information for the past two years, providing them with valuable insight and expertise on the state of access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico. The team has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with improving access to healthcare services, and they are committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders to create evidence-based policies that promote transparency, accountability, and citizen participation.
Overall, the team's extensive experience, close relationship with the government sector, legitimacy, and commitment to evidence-based policies make them well-positioned to deliver the Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies solution.
- Enable informed interventions, investment, and decision-making by governments, local health systems, and aid groups
- Mexico
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
Due to the broad-spectrum nature of the Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies (OCAMIS), it is challenging to provide a specific number of people that the solution currently serves. However, the OCAMIS is a global solution for the entire Mexican health system, with the aim of improving access to medicines and health supplies for all Mexicans.
The solution serves a diverse range of stakeholders, including patients, academic institutions, civil society organizations, international and intergovernmental organizations, authorities, and the general population in Mexico. By providing a collaborative platform for these stakeholders to engage in dialogue, share information, and generate objective and reliable information, the OCAMIS promotes transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the development and implementation of policies related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies.
Overall, the OCAMIS has the potential to serve every Mexican citizen, ensuring that they have access to the highest level of physical, mental, and social health
We are applying to Solve to overcome barriers and challenges faced by the Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies (OCAMIS). One of the main challenges we face is financial growth for the organization, and we believe that the specialized guidance and orientation provided by Solve could help us overcome this obstacle.
In addition, we seek to improve the technological tools that we are already utilizing to improve open access to otherwise closed information from public health institutions. By partnering with Solve, we hope to enhance our platform and develop innovative solutions that can further promote transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the development and implementation of policies related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies.
Another key benefit of partnering with Solve is the opportunity to amplify our engagement with strategic actors and stakeholders. Solve's vast network of experts and partners can help us connect with potential collaborators, funders, and other stakeholders that can contribute to the success of our project.
Overall, we believe that applying to Solve can help us overcome critical barriers, strengthen our technological infrastructure, and expand our influence area to ensure that every Mexican citizen has access to equitable healthcare services.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
The Citizen Observatory for Access to Medicines and Health Supplies (OCAMIS) is an innovative citizens' initiative that allows for the collaboration of all different sectors to improve access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico. One of the key features of the OCAMIS is that it creates spaces for dialogue between citizens and health authorities, including experts on the subject of effective access to medicines and health supplies, representatives of patient groups, academic institutions, civil society organizations, international and intergovernmental organizations, as well as authorities (federal and local). This collaborative platform promotes transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the development and implementation of policies related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies.
Moreover, the OCAMIS is innovative because it fills a critical gap in the healthcare system in Mexico, which lacks a unified data system for monitoring access to medicines and health supplies. The OCAMIS generates objective and reliable information on the state of access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico through a monitoring system that tracks and analyzes access to medical treatments for the Mexican population, especially those in greater social risk. This information is essential for decision-makers to make informed decisions to improve access to healthcare services and address the root causes of the shortage of medicines and health supplies in the public healthcare system of Mexico.
Overall, the OCAMIS is an innovative citizens' initiative that fills a critical gap in the healthcare system in Mexico by creating a collaborative platform for citizens to participate in the development and implementation of policies related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies. The OCAMIS generates objective and reliable information through its monitoring system, allowing decision-makers to make informed decisions to improve access to healthcare services and promote health and well-being for Mexicans.
Our impact goals for the next year and the next five years are as follows:
In the next year, we aim to have a fully functional platform with interactive, non-specialized, user-friendly visualizations to facilitate the exploration of selected performance indicators for the whole chain of access to medicines in Mexico. This will make it easier for citizens, policymakers, and other stakeholders to understand the current state of access to medicines and health supplies in the country.
Within five years, we plan to operate specialized indicators for essential medicines and therapeutic groups, allowing for more targeted and specific analysis of the healthcare system and its ability to provide access to necessary treatments for various medical conditions.
We see ourselves as the main source of information on access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico, providing reliable and up-to-date data to inform policy decisions and promote transparency in the healthcare sector.
To achieve these goals, we will:
Increase collaboration with federal and local governments, academia, and other stakeholders. By fostering stronger partnerships, we can work together to address challenges and develop solutions that improve access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico.
Continuously update and expand our platform, ensuring that it remains user-friendly and provides the most relevant and accurate information on access to medicines and health supplies in the country.
Engage in active communication and outreach efforts to raise awareness of our platform and the importance of equitable access to healthcare services among the general public, government officials, and other stakeholders.
Utilize the expertise of our team and partners to analyze data, identify trends and issues, and develop evidence-based policy recommendations to address gaps and challenges in the healthcare system.
By pursuing these strategies, we believe that we can achieve our impact goals and contribute to a more equitable and accessible healthcare system in Mexico over the next five years.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
We are measuring our progress toward our impact goals through a variety of specific indicators, both quantitative and qualitative, to assess the effectiveness of our solution and its impact on the healthcare system in Mexico. Some of these indicators include:
Number of users engaging with our platform: This will help us understand the reach and usage of our platform and how effectively it is serving as a primary source of information on access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico.
Quality and comprehensiveness of data: We will track the number of data sources integrated into our platform and the frequency of data updates to ensure the information provided is reliable, accurate, and up-to-date.
Number of partnerships established with federal and local governments, academia, and other stakeholders: This will help us gauge our success in fostering collaboration and creating a network of experts to address healthcare challenges in Mexico.
Number of policy recommendations adopted by decision-makers: This indicator will help us measure the effectiveness of our advocacy efforts and our ability to influence public policy decisions related to equitable access to medicines and health supplies.
Improvements in access to essential medicines and therapeutic groups: By tracking the percentage of the population with access to essential medicines and the availability of medicines for specific therapeutic groups, we can assess the impact of our work on the healthcare system in Mexico.
Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): We will track our progress in contributing to the achievement of SDGs, particularly goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 5 (Gender Equality), 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). This can include indicators such as the reduction in health inequalities, increased access to healthcare services for marginalized populations, and the number of partnerships established to achieve these goals.
By consistently monitoring these indicators, we can assess our progress toward our impact goals and make data-driven decisions to adjust our strategies and actions as needed to ensure the success of our solution in promoting equitable access to healthcare in Mexico.
Our theory of change is based on the idea that by connecting citizens, authorities, and other stakeholders, and providing them with reliable information on the state of access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico, we can create a collaborative environment that leads to improved access to healthcare. Our solution aims to facilitate this change by focusing on specific activities, generating immediate outputs, and achieving long-term outcomes for our target population.
- Establish an Intersectoral Committee to foster dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.
- Collect and analyze data on access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico.
- Create a user-friendly platform to visualize and explore key performance indicators.
- Engage with government and academic institutions to strengthen cooperation and support.
Immediate Outputs:
- Improved communication and collaboration among stakeholders in the Chain of Access to Medicines.
- Objective, timely, and reliable information on access to medicines and health supplies.
- Increased awareness and understanding of the issues surrounding access to medicines in Mexico.
- Stronger partnerships with government and academic institutions.
Long-term Outcomes:
- Enhanced decision-making and policy development based on evidence and stakeholder input.
- Greater transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in healthcare decisions.
- More equitable access to medicines and health supplies for the target population.
- Improved overall healthcare system in Mexico.
The logical framework of our theory of change is supported by evidence, such as findings from interviews with the target population, third-party research, and data from previous projects. By linking our activities to immediate outputs and long-term outcomes, we expect our solution to have a significant impact on the problem of limited access to medicines and healthcare services in Mexico, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and effective healthcare system for all.
Our solution leverages a combination of web and mobile technologies, big data, and artificial intelligence to create a powerful platform that connects patients, healthcare professionals, and authorities, enabling them to address the issue of medicine and supply shortages in Mexico.
The core technology that powers our solution consists of:
Web and mobile applications: These user-friendly interfaces allow citizens to access and interact with the platform, providing them with real-time information about healthcare access and medicine availability. The applications are designed to be compatible with various devices, ensuring maximum reach and accessibility.
Big data management: We collect, store, and process large volumes of data from various sources, such as government databases, healthcare providers, and user-generated content. This enables us to have a comprehensive view of the state of access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms: By implementing AI and machine learning, our platform can analyze and process the massive amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, generate key performance indicators, and create predictive models to forecast potential shortages and access issues.
Customizable visualization tools: The platform offers interactive and user-friendly visualization tools that enable users to explore the collected data and easily understand the state of access to medicines in Mexico. These visualizations can be customized to fit the needs and preferences of various stakeholders, such as patients, healthcare professionals, and authorities.
By utilizing this combination of technologies, our solution empowers citizens to monitor healthcare access and directly contribute to addressing the issue of medicine and supply shortages across Mexico. This innovative approach ensures a more transparent and collaborative environment, fostering improved decision-making and ultimately leading to better healthcare access for all.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Mexico
- Mexico
- Nonprofit
Some of these strategies to incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion revolves around the follows:
- Identifying diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) as a strategic priority and making a commitment to improving these areas within your organization.
- Conducting pay equity reviews to ensure that all employees are being compensated fairly.
- Recruiting and promoting from a diverse point of view to ensure that your organization is inclusive and representative of the communities it serves.
- Creating a robust mentorship program to support the development and advancement of diverse employees.
- Consistently training and engaging employees on DEIB to raise awareness and promote understanding.
As some examples of strategies that can be use to adres the need to open the work space for all.
Our business model focuses on providing value to our key customers and beneficiaries, which include patients, healthcare professionals, and authorities, by offering them accessible and reliable information on access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico. Our primary goal is to improve healthcare access and address medicine and supply shortages by facilitating communication and collaboration between these stakeholders.
- Products and Services:
a. Access to the platform: We provide our users with access to our web and mobile applications, where they can access real-time information on medicine availability and healthcare access in their region.
b. Customizable visualization tools: Users can explore the data through interactive and user-friendly visualization tools that can be tailored to their specific needs.
c. Collaborative features: Our platform enables users to report shortages, provide feedback, and participate in discussions with other stakeholders, fostering a more transparent and collaborative environment.
d. Data analysis and predictive modeling: We offer authorities and healthcare professionals valuable insights and forecasts on potential shortages and access issues, enabling them to make informed decisions and implement effective policies.
- Revenue Streams:
a. Partnerships: We establish strategic partnerships with public and private sector organizations, NGOs, Universitys and other stakeholders who share our commitment to ensuring equitable access to healthcare. These partnerships can provide resources, expertise, and support to help us scale our impact.
b. Customized services and consulting: We provide customized data analysis and consulting services to healthcare organizations and authorities seeking to improve healthcare access and address specific challenges.
c. Grants and sponsorships: We seek funding from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector partners to support our mission and expand our services.
By providing these products and services, we aim to create a sustainable business model that addresses the needs of our key customers and beneficiaries, ultimately leading to improved access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico.
- Government (B2G)
Our plan for becoming financially sustainable involves diversifying our revenue streams while continuing to deliver valuable services to our users. In the long term, we aim to cover our expected expenses through a combination of the following revenue sources:
Grants and sponsorships: We will actively seek funding from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector partners that align with our mission. These grants and sponsorships will enable us to expand our services and reach a broader audience, as well as cover operational costs.
Customized services and consulting: We will offer tailored data analysis and consulting services to healthcare organizations, government authorities, and other stakeholders. By providing these services, we can generate revenue while also helping our clients make informed decisions and implement effective policies that improve healthcare access in Mexico.
Service contracts to governments: We will explore opportunities to secure service contracts with local and federal governments. These contracts may involve providing data analysis, technical assistance, or other services that support government efforts to address healthcare access issues and medicine shortages.
Collaboration with universities and researchers: We will establish partnerships with academic institutions and researchers to collaborate on research projects, data analysis, and the development of new tools and technologies. These collaborations can not only generate additional revenue but also enhance our platform's capabilities and credibility.
Training and workshops: We will organize training sessions and workshops for healthcare professionals, government authorities, and other stakeholders, focusing on data analysis, healthcare access improvement strategies, and best practices. By charging a fee for these events, we can generate revenue and expand our network of partners and collaborators.
By diversifying our revenue streams and continuously delivering valuable services to our stakeholders, we aim to achieve financial sustainability and continue our mission of improving access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico.
Our plan to achieve financial sustainability has been successful so far through various channels. Here are some examples of the progress we have made:
Grant from the Open Society Foundation: We received a significant grant from the Open Society Foundation, which has allowed us to kickstart our project and cover the initial operational costs. This grant has provided us with a solid foundation upon which we can continue to build our platform and services.
Support from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM): We have established a partnership with UNAM, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in Mexico. This collaboration has not only led to techincal support but also access to expert knowledge and resources, which have been invaluable for our project's development. Furthermore, UNAM has graciously provided us with office space and server access, significantly reducing our overhead costs.
Donations from the Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries, A.C. (AMIIF): AMIIF has generously donated funds to support our mission to improve access to medicines and health supplies in Mexico. Their donation has enabled us to expand our services and reach a broader audience, while also strengthening our relationships with key stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry. It is important to note that AMIIF has no influence over our activities or decision-making processes, ensuring our independence and objectivity.
These examples showcase our progress in diversifying our revenue streams and building strong partnerships with various organizations. By continuing to secure funding through grants, donations, and collaborations, we are confident that we will achieve financial sustainability and have a lasting impact on healthcare access in Mexico.