2024 Global Health Equity Challenge

NiADA (Non-invasive Anemia Detection w/AI)

NiADA is a non-invasive, point-of-care, real-time solution that uses Artificial Intelligence to detect and monitor anemia using a smartphone app.

Team Leader
Mou Nandi

Solution Pitch

The Problem

Globally, over two billion people suffer from anemia. Global anemia prevalence has been particularly persistent among reproductive-age women and young children despite intervention.

Currently, there is no scalable, accessible, easy, affordable, and non-invasive way to monitor hemoglobin levels regularly at home or at the point of care.

The Solution

Monere provides an easy-to-use smartphone app, NiADA, for non-invasive real-time anemia screening, regular monitoring, and personalized intervention to empower people and public health administrators to screen, track, and prevent anemia from anywhere.

NiADA is a SaMD (Software as a Medical Device). NiADA is built upon a framework of integrated solutions for anemia screening, monitoring, and intervention.

The solution is developed with deep learning as the core technology, that is securely deployed on the AWS cloud with full redundancy and data privacy in place.

NiADA app uses the cloud AI & Data platform through an API so it is integration-ready for other telemedicine and remote monitoring apps and websites.

The app is now available on Google Play Store and Apple Testflight for informational purposes only as we work on FDA applications. Check our website for the app store links.
We love feedback.


5,000+ individuals have been screened for anemia using NiADA

Solution Overview & Team Lead Details
More About Your Solution
Your Team
Your Business Model & Funding

Organization Type

For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models


Lehi, United States



Working In: 


Current Full-Time Employees: 



Solution Team:
Mou Nandi
Mou Nandi
Cofounder & CEO