Ubai Sandouk

PhD, The University of Manchester

Challenge: How Can We Improve Learning Outcomes for Refugee and Displaced Young People Under 24?

Solution: TIGRs: The International Games for Refugees

Ubai Sandouk received his BSc in 2010 in Software Engineering from the University of Damascus, Syria; and his MSc in 2012 in Computer Science from the University of Manchester, UK. He holds a Diploma in Education from the University of Damascus. He has been awarded a full scholarship in order to complete his PhD in Machine Learning at the University of Manchester and expects to graduate in 2017. His research interests include Semantics and Media Understanding. During his PhD, Sandouk worked as a Teacher Assistant for many undergraduate courses including programming and machine learning. He has previously participated in the Syrian Olympiad in Informatics twice and in the Arab Collegiate Programming Challenge three times. He worked as a trainer of participants in both competitions for four years and was involved in many aspects of organizing the Syrian Olympiad in Informatics. 

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