TB TB Tracy Bledsoe

What are your marketing strategies for reaching those individuals that do not have access to a smartphone, internet, etc.?

Tariq Fancy

Our solution is technology-based, so unfortunately there's no easy way to bring it to someone without a device and an internet connection. The bad news is this admittedly means we can't reach those who are often the poorest and most in need globally, since they're completely disconnected. The good news is that there is a far greater number today globally - billions of people - who have low-cost smartphones and basic connections, and desperately need practical job and life skills. This is our target group: we don't want to ignore them and then see them on Facebook only (which is happening), when there's a way to spend that time building skills and improving their lives instead.

TB TB Tracy Bledsoe

In response to What is your solution?

Do you have your local one stop centers and Goodwill Job Centers promoting these trainings?

Tariq Fancy

We don't yet, but this is a fascinating idea - we'd love to hear if you have any ideas on how to make this happen! (Shoot a note to info@rumie.org and it'll get routed to our partnerships team, which is always looking for ideas, key contacts, and helpful direction like this to make our free solutions yet easier for learners to benefit from.)

TB TB Tracy Bledsoe

In response to Pitch your solution.

Rapid reskilling at its best!

MW MW Mickie White

In response to Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

There is a need for this. However, this solution and organizations providing it exist.

Tariq Fancy

You're right. Rumie.org is already live today :)

MW MW Mickie White

In response to What is your solution?

I think this could be helpful in gaining soft skills. However, I'm less certain it would assist with the up-skilling and re-tooling of skills so desperately needed.

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