2022 Indigenous Communities Fellowship


Intergenerational Healing - Resilience through Culture

Reclaiming Indigenous education through curriculum development guided by First Language Speakers and backed by neurobiology, behavioral health experts, and education experts.

Team Lead

Cree Whelshula

CY CY Christopher Yallup

tali xast

Megan Gourd

I made a little video to share/celebrate the 2022 Indigenous Communities Fellowship Finalists.

https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6956378150922575872/ />
If you want to share it or I can send in a file if you want to post yourself. :)

-Wishing you the best!

AC AC Alan Conn

Thanks that was really good!

TH TH Teresa Hillman

Intergenerational Healing: A Trauma Informed Approach to Parenting is a 15-week, closed group psycho-educational program aimed at improving the lives of children by providing trauma informed resources to parents who have a desire to strengthen or develop secure/healthy attachment with their children.


DB DB Dario Boyer

Amazing tutorial! This is exactly the type of post we like to see on the tutorials board!

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