BC BC Bartholome Cummings

Thanks for sharing such great information, I highly appreciate your hard-working skills as the post you published have some great information which is quite beneficial for me, I hope you will post more like that in the future


Gabrielle Wimer

In response to What is your solution?

The way you are able to expand equitable access to education is inspiring! At Paper Airplanes we are beginning to explore making our content available offline so that students can have consistent access to our learning materials. It would be great to connect and hear what you've learned from working in Afghanistan as our students are also in challenging contexts.

MA MA Miss Mary Adhiambo

In response to What is your solution?

Mighty Girls! A revolutionary idea in education particularly in Africa. This solution is a must fit in Kenya where worse situations exist against girl child education. With COVID 19 currently, 4000 teenage pregnancies have been reported.

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