Jayasree K. Iyer

In response to What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year and the next 3 years? How do you plan to overcome these barriers?

Another potential limitation that comes to mind: the change of structure/agreement from companies in which the solution sources the data, which may result in a partial/total collapse of the visibility provided.

Dr. Caroline Buckee

While we have worked to develop strong relationships with data providers over many years, we agree that the landscape of data availability may change in the future. However, data providers like Facebook and Cuebiq have invested significant resources in making data products available specifically in this context, and are intentional about sharing data with trusted intermediaries rather than directly with policymakers. Currently, there is a strong push from these data providers to demonstrate impact with the data, but academic partnerships often don’t lead to measurable public health value - we believe that a platform like Crisis Ready is needed to demonstrate this translational impact. Furthermore, we believe that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a phase transition for the use and availability of this kind of mobility data – we believe that these approaches will become routine for public health in the future, which will ensure their continuing relevance during crisis response.

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