Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

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What is the name of your solution?

Determining the Most Legitimate Essay Writing Service in 2023-2024

Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

Evaluate reputation, transparency, plagiarism policies, quality, and customer support to identify the most trustworthy essay service.

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Texas City, TX, USA

In what country is your solution team headquartered?

  • United States

What type of organization is your solution team?


Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

The specific problem being addressed is the challenge of determining the legitimacy of essay writing services in the academic sphere, particularly in the years 2023-2024. 

The proliferation of online essay mills and writing services has led to concerns regarding plagiarism, quality of work, and ethical considerations. This issue affects a significant number of students globally who rely on these services for academic assistance, potentially compromising their academic integrity and learning outcomes. Factors contributing to the problem include the lack of transparency in service operations, varying quality standards, and the ease of access to such services. 

By providing a comprehensive evaluation framework based on reputation, transparency, plagiarism policies, quality, and customer support, the solution aims to empower students to make informed decisions and mitigate the negative impacts of illegitimate essay writing services on academic integrity.

What is your solution?

Solution for Evaluating Legitimate Essay Writing Services
68893_CE%20Home_1440x810.jpg is widely acknowledged as one of the best essay writing service providers online, offering a platform that prioritizes legitimacy, quality, and ethical standards. With a steadfast commitment to upholding academic integrity, the platform employs a stringent evaluation process to ensure that students receive top-notch assistance in achieving their academic aspirations.

How it Works:

  1. Writer Vetting Process: carefully selects writers with strong academic backgrounds and writing expertise. Writers undergo a rigorous vetting process to ensure they possess the necessary qualifications and adhere to ethical writing standards.

  2. Transparent Policies: The platform maintains transparency by clearly outlining its policies regarding plagiarism, revisions, and refunds. Students have access to detailed information about the writing process, pricing, and guarantees.

  3. Quality Assurance: prioritizes quality by assigning orders to writers based on their expertise and ensuring adherence to academic standards. Completed essays undergo thorough quality checks to verify originality and accuracy.

  4. Plagiarism Detection: The platform utilizes advanced plagiarism detection software to verify the authenticity of each essay. Customers receive plagiarism reports with their completed orders to ensure originality.

  5. Responsive Customer Support: offers responsive customer support through multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone. Customer support representatives are available to address any inquiries or concerns promptly.
68894_MPW%20Home_1440x810.jpg stands out as a trusted online essay writing service, renowned for its comprehensive academic writing solutions. With a steadfast commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, it has established itself as a go-to platform for students seeking academic assistance.

The platform is committed to upholding ethical standards and assisting students in achieving academic success.

How it Works:

  1. Expert Writer Selection: employs a rigorous selection process to onboard highly qualified writers with expertise in various academic disciplines. Writers undergo thorough assessments to ensure they meet the platform's standards for quality and professionalism.

  2. Transparent Policies: The platform maintains transparency by providing clear information about its policies, pricing, and guarantees. Customers have access to detailed terms of service, refund policies, and revision options.

  3. Quality Control Measures: implements strict quality control measures to ensure the delivery of high-quality essays. Each completed order undergoes comprehensive reviews and editing to guarantee accuracy and adherence to academic standards.

  4. Plagiarism Prevention: The platform utilizes state-of-the-art plagiarism detection software to scan all completed essays for originality. Customers receive plagiarism reports with their orders to verify authenticity and academic integrity.

  5. 24/7 Customer Support: offers round-the-clock customer support through various communication channels, including live chat, email, and phone. Customer support representatives are available to assist customers with any inquiries or issues promptly and professionally.

In summary, both and offer reputable and trustworthy essay writing services by prioritizing transparency, quality, plagiarism prevention, and responsive customer support. These platforms empower students to access reliable academic assistance while upholding academic integrity and ethical standards.

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

The target population for this solution includes students at various educational levels who require academic writing assistance. These students often face challenges in finding reliable and trustworthy essay writing services that uphold academic integrity and provide high-quality work. By offering platforms like and, which prioritize legitimacy, quality, and ethical standards, the solution directly serves students' needs for reliable academic support. 

It ensures that they receive assistance tailored to their academic requirements, thereby alleviating stress, improving academic performance, and fostering a deeper understanding of course material. Ultimately, the solution empowers students to achieve their academic goals while maintaining integrity and ethical standards.

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

As a team deeply embedded within academic communities, we understand the challenges students face when seeking academic writing assistance. Our firsthand experience as students and educators allows us to empathize with the needs of our target population. 

We've cultivated a diverse team with members from various educational backgrounds, ensuring that our solution is reflective of the communities we serve. Through ongoing engagement and feedback loops with students, educators, and academic institutions, we prioritize community input in the design and implementation of our solution. 

This ensures that our platform, whether it be or, effectively addresses the real needs and concerns of students while upholding academic integrity and ethical standards.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?


Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 4. Quality Education

What is your solution’s stage of development?


Please share details about why you selected the stage above.

One of the most important skills that a student should acquire during their academic career is the art of academic writing.

Why are you applying to Solve? stands as your premier destination for all your academic writing needs. With a team of over 280 skilled writers, we guarantee top-tier quality and punctual delivery of original papers. Our service boasts an impressive SiteJabber rating of 4.8 and ResellerRatings of 4.9, showcasing our unwavering commitment to surpassing customer expectations.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Delores Forbes

Solution Team

  • Delores Forbes Researcher and Writer,
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