Presented with
Implementing Solutions

Future of Work in India & Indonesia Challenge

How can workers in India and Indonesia gain the skills they need to participate and prosper in the digital and technology-driven economy of the future?

Submissions are Closed

Challenge Overview

EXTENDED Challenge Deadline: January 5th, 2022 at 11:59 AM Eastern Time/ 10:29 PM India time/ 11:59 PM Western Indonesia Time

The workforces of India and Indonesia, much like the rest of the world, are increasingly susceptible to major changes driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution — changes that have been exacerbated by the economic disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. By 2030, automation is expected to displace an estimated 23 million jobs in Indonesia, and nearly 70 percent of jobs in formal employment could be automated in India during the same period — including 12 million jobs held by women. However, if harnessed successfully, automation, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, digital transformations, and other technology-driven innovations are expected to create more jobs over the next decade than are eliminated. These innovations have the potential to create jobs for at least 90 million workers and up to 46 million workers in India and Indonesia, respectively.

These technological transformations pose significant challenges and opportunities for employers and workers alike: manufacturers across industries must respond to rapidly evolving markets in order to remain competitive, while workers must be able to adapt and learn new skillsets in order to participate in the labor market and create prosperous livelihoods for themselves. The pandemic has accelerated the urgent need to bridge the skills gap by upskilling the existing workforce to meet industry demands and preparing the next generation of workers with the skills required to participate in the digitally-driven economy of the future.

The Caterpillar Foundation is partnering with MIT Solve on the Future of Work in India and Indonesia Challenge to identify and support workforce development solutions that can lead to the digital upskilling and reskilling of the Indian and Indonesian populations. The Challenge is seeking innovative solutions that will:

  • Equip existing workers in India and Indonesia with country-appropriate and culturally-relevant digital literacy skills and vocational training opportunities
  • Connect the skills of the Indian and Indonesian workforces to the demands of employers
  • Increase and leverage the participation of underserved communities in India and Indonesia — especially women, low-income, and remote groups — in the creation, development, and deployment of new technologies, jobs, and industries


Accepting Solutions

  • Challenge Opens
  • Deadline to Submit a Solution

Evaluating Solutions

  • Finalist Interviews
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