One-line solution summary:
New database for junk food supplying companies especially for the fast foods that have linkage between the medical records of end users.
Pitch your solution.
At this point we have clear knowledge and understanding of the role of our health condition towards our body resistance for outbreaks like Coronavirus. Since the majority of people have poor health condition at this moment, it is safe to say that any methods we took measure to make the public follow healthy life style until this moment has not worked and it is about time to design new approach. This approach cannot be the same for every unhealthy product the public consumes because each product have different kind of end users with different market structure. So we need to design new approach for each unhealthy product.
Film your elevator pitch.
What specific problem are you solving?
One of the main products that make the general public unhealthy is junk foods. Junk food is used to describe food and drinks low in nutrients (e.g. vitamins, minerals and fibre) and high in kilojoules, saturated fat, added sugar and/or added salt. They are also known as discretionary choices because people consume them beyond the reason of survival like pleasure, comfort, recreation, addiction and others even if it brings negative effect to their health. One way of solving this project is redesigning the junk food like less salt, less sugar and so on. But this has big negative impact on the preference of end users because most of the consumers like the taste of the junk food because one of the main pleasure they get from consuming junk food is the taste of the salty or sugary part of the food and changing that will be the same as killing the market. And killing the market is not an option because almost all junk food manufacturing companies either they are packaged or fast food employ big number of people creating jobs, have large market size in money flow and so on.
What is your solution?
New database for junk food supplying companies especially for the fast foods that have linkage between the medical records of end users with their consumption rate and volume of the junk food. Meaning, now a days medical record of peoples are digitalized on hospitals and this records can be accessed by internet connection for authorized peoples. This new mechanism create link between the medical database of end users with the fast food database and when people buy junk food like burger or some other junk food; it checks the medical condition of the end user via the networked medical database, the last time the end user bought junk food via the database of the fast food supplying company, the volume of the junk food the end user bought via the database of the fast food supplying company and the recommended data of consumption of the specific ordered junk food for the specific end user health condition who is ordering the junk food. When this algorithm finds everything in order it will allow the purchase to go ahead but if the purchase finds to harm the end user’s health it will block the purchase order saving their customers life.
Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?
This process will take seconds to process and deliver depending on the infrastructure of the country’s capacity and quality. In order for this system to work, the end user is given individual personal identity card to give the cashier along with the payment he/ she give for the fast food whenever he/ she purchase the junk food. This personal card is used to know the identity of the end user by swiping the card in to the database of the fast food supplier by the cashier like visa or master card.
This will create new accountability in the fast food industry and save the life of the masses by insuring their health condition that will save them from outbreaks like the Corona virus.
So, experts give advice on maintaining your health condition in two way when you consume junk food;
If you are in healthy condition, try to eat junk food occasionally in limited amount.
If you are in unhealthy condition and trying to control it; limit your consumption of junk food at lower rate and amount that the healthy conditioned peoples.
Explain how the problem, your solution, and your solution’s target population relate to the Challenge.
Both of the advice involves consuming limited amount of junk food over some specific time period but again the masses of people does not follow this advice not because they are not aware of the risk but because they do not have dedication to monitor their consumption and even if they monitor their consumption, they will not act accordingly. And this project will bring this consumption monitoring combined with a restriction means on the consumption rate and amount of junk food.
What is your solution’s stage of development?
Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business modelWho is the primary delegate for your solution?
Anteneh Gashaw
In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?
Addis Ababa, EthiopiaWhich of the following categories best describes your solution?
A new application of an existing technologyDescribe what makes your solution innovative.
This solution will decrease the vulnerability of the public for any pandemic outbreak that may come in the future by increasing their immunity system via healthy food consumption. Also, It will create sense of accountability in food supply chain insuring the health and wellbeing of their customers that will help them live longer and safer.
This would make its adoption much easier of other solutions in this market.
Most of Software application for healthy life style depends mainly on the end-user only. But within our solution it depends on complete Ecosystem with multiple entities.
All life style Apps were relying on the End-user maturity to decide whether to follow a healthy diet or not whereas, our solution approves the junk food consumption when the threshold/ risk factor for junk food for this user is not passed yet.
Describe the core technology that powers your solution.
We will build a connected database installed in every junk food supplier’s shop that has linkage and access to medical record of food supplier's customers and data that can show when the last time the specific customer purchased/ consumed the specific junk food he/ she ordered and do a calculation either to allow or block the purchase order according to the recommended consumption rate of the specific junk food ordered for the specific customer’s health condition.
Provide evidence that this technology works.
This solution utilize widely used and accepted technology of standard data collection, analyze and interpretation used in current technology of data science. This technology has been used and still in used in most market we know that uses internet data connected by servers and user all over the world. This and many other already used technologies should act as an evidence for the efficiency that this mechanism works.
Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:
What is your theory of change?
Lower immunity system = Higher Venerability to pandemic outbreak
Elder people with chronic illness and peoples with low immunity system have the highest risk of death of COVID-19 and other lethal viruses. This pandemic revealed that the vulnerable people are in high risk.
China experience showed that the risk can be contained
The reports showed that using Immunity Boosting medications/ Nutrition vulnerable people can enhance their tolerance to such a fierce virus. On the long-term plan the vulnerable people percentage can be lower by following this proposed solution.
The out come of this project can be simply described in a one graph as seen below
Select the key characteristics of your target population.
Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?
In which countries do you currently operate?
In which countries will you be operating within the next year?
How many people does your solution currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?
Current number of people serving- 0
The number of people serving in one year- 100,000 – 500,000
The number of people serving in five years- 2,500,000 – 10,000,000
What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?
We are planning to launch the product in the next year serving in small specific city with good infrastructure.
In five years we will expand in multiple cities of different countries of the world.
What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year and in the next five years?
This project has only two barriers that threaten its success and those are;
The willingness of junk food suppliers to use this mechanism and
Privacy issue in sharing medical record of customers in database of junk food shop
How do you plan to overcome these barriers?
The two barriers can be overcomed by successful implementation of the mechanism in one city. Meaning demonstration of the working mechanism of the project and its outcome implemented and shown will be a big comfort and selling point for implementation of the project in other locations. But this requires the permission of a one specific area to be implemented.
What type of organization is your solution team?
For-profit, including B-Corp or similar modelsHow many people work on your solution team?
Currently this project ahs two members
Aneteneh Gashaw- idea creator
Amira Abaza- team member
How many years have you worked on your solution?
Why are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?
My honors are
Winner of Mechanical maker challenge by NASA/ JPL- 2019 with my design invention “Mechanical eye”
Finalist in TKF plastic innovation challenge 2019 with my invention “Smart green washer”
Top 100 inventions of 2019 by create the future contest by tech briefs with my project “Cone solar panel”
Top 10 winner of TIA challenge 2019 with my multiple unique solutions and invention
Finalist in Enel challenge on MV & LV distribution challenge 2019 with my invention “Turbine for avoiding birds in MV & LV distribution lines”
Finalist in TIC AMERICAS challenge 2020 with my invention “Caribbean Sargassum problem”
In the recent Hawaii natural problem challenge which is the saving the Ohi’a challenge (, I submitted more than 30 possible solution which you can see via
I have proposed a way that will solve the Caribbean Sargassum problem which you can see via
I have designed a Green- technology that will solve the micro fiber problem in the oceans which you can see via https://2019.spaceappschalleng...
I have many contribution for agriculture industry with my multiple project like
I have contributed to teraforming Mars with my project Melting mars polar ice cap https://www.globalinnovationex...
I have contributed on reduction of plastics in packaging in beverage industries with my project bottle belt
You can find some of my more than 50 inventions or my contribution to science via, ,
What organizations do you currently partner with, if any? How are you working with them?
We do not have any partners at this time.
What is your business model?
This project has four stakeholders
The general public - The general public will be able to maintain their health condition that will lead to higher immunity which saves their lives from possible pandemic outbreak in the future.
Health insurance - Health insurance companies will save a lot of money as a result of better public immunity system because they will spend less money for people's health care.
Fast food supply chain - Transforms the standard way of doing business in fast food supply chain into better new way that ensures their customers live longer to invest in their product for longer time frame increasing their profit.
MoH & other Governmental Heath entities - MoH & other governmental health entities will save a lot of resources, save lot of energy and work as a result of better public immunity system and they can allocate the saved resources for other use.
This project creates new kind of Value-chain model that generate profit from ensuring wellbeing of the public. Whereas, the main source of profit would be through direct cut-offs for the Health Insurance Expenses, and longer Policy lifetime.
Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, or to other organizations?
Organizations (B2B)What is your path to financial sustainability?
Our income will be payment from Health insurance and MoH & other Governmental Heath entities because they will be benefited directly since their expense for public health will decreased.
Why are you applying to Solve?
We are applying because we need capital to build a prototype and start our business in a specific area.
I have invented more than 20 solution for solving the Coronavirus crisis which you can see via my MIT link ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
And many more but I have decided it's easier to pursue one project that have big impact and can make a difference in the future.
In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?
Please explain in more detail here.
We could use any help we can get.
What organizations would you like to partner with, and how would you like to partner with them?
We like to partner with health insurance companies, database companies and any company who is interested in the project.
Solution Team
Mr. Anteneh Gashaw Anteneh Engineering
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Solution Name:
Immunity building by healthy society