Basic Information

Team Name

ZAHARA for Education

Project Summary

ZAHARA for Education's mission is to expand educational opportunities between Sudan and the United States. We are proposing two pivotal projects to support quality education --- both virtual & in-person --- for students of all backgrounds. 

Our first project is expanding access to rich online courses (such as MITx, HarvardX, and EdX) by creating a network of virtual 'TA's' from American and Sudanese universities who will co-teach students pods of 5-10 each. Internet access will be eliminated as a barrier, and students will receive courses certificates and guided professional development help, as well as have the opportunity to build an international network of peers and mentors. 

Our second project is the ZAHARA Innovation Labs, which will be established on the ground in partnership with local universities, particularly in underserved areas of the country. The spaces will teach skills based on the STEAM philosophy, using fun tools like computer software, Arduino kits, and painting supplies and be targeted towards younger students in middle school and high school, while also giving college students valuable work and mentoring opportunities.

All funds will go towards furthering these efforts, and we also greatly welcome partners who share in our mission and our values. Thank you very much for your consideration and your kind support of ZAHARA for Education!

--- The ZAHARA Executive Team


  • Sudan
  • United States


Education & Training

Project Video

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