Jennifer Murphy

I like your idea and the fact that you generally wouldn't have to harvest anything until an order comes in (or it gets too large / mature to maintain, etc.) Have you given any thought on the type (source) of nutrients that you would end up using within the hydroponic systems? As nutrients are taken up by plants, soluble salts are left behind (see the two links below on more information); when used over time in soil it makes the soil less able to sustain plant growth and when used in hydroponic systems they eventually need to be flushed - not insurmountable at all, and the water savings and benefits of using hydroponics in favor of conventional agriculture definitively make it the way to go in the long term; just something to think about as you move forward!

Also- any thought on lowering the carbon impact of all of the deliveries?

Lastly - how large does the growing area need to be in comparison to the cooking area? Are there certain types of plants you aim to focus on first?

Information on fertilizer salt index:
https://ostara.com/nutrients/ /> Information on phosphorous with a low salt index and harvested from wastewater:

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