Basic Information

Our Solution

Virtual Abundance

Our solution's stage of development:


Our solution:

Freed0m and Abundance realized via conversion of physical into digital.

Our pitch:

Q. What is your solution? 

Q. 'How can urban communities increase their access to sustainable and resilient food and water sources?'
A. Decrease physical demand while simultaneously providing a virtually infinite canvas for learning, creating, lifestyle, & beyond.

Q. If scaled, how will it effect change across the world?
A. Significant reduction in demand & desire for physical consumerism (and many drawbacks thereto:  overall inefficiency, labor, pollution, corruption, conflict, war, etc.) 

The problem:

Resource scarcity and the deleterious effects of physical consumerism. 

Why our solution will solve the problem:

If could be succinctly described as Walmart 2.0 (referring to scaling a more efficient distribution of physical goods), Phases 1 & 2 of this project might be akin to Walmart 3.0 & 4.0. 

Target Outcomes

Our target outcomes:

'What is the impact of your solution?' 
Worldwide resolution of poverty, corruption, conflict, war, etc.

'Who will benefit from your solution?' 
Anyone dissatisfied with physical reality (physically in-firmed, elderly, economically disadvantaged, etc.). 

'How will it be deployed to them?'
In two larger phases of development (as per https://www.virtualabundance.c...).  First, via re-configuring physical forms of shelter & food provision along with leading edge internet access & immersive digital mediums (i.e. virtual reality equipment).  Second, TBD.  

How we will measure our progress:

  • Outcome: Worldwide resolution of poverty, corruption, conflict, war, etc.
    Measurement Plan: User/participant feedback via centralized digital platform. Before & After measurements of poverty, corruption, conflict, war, etc.
  • Outcome: Anyone dissatisfied with physical reality (physically in-firmed, elderly, economically disadvantaged, etc.).
    Measurement Plan: User/participant feedback via centralized digital platform. Before & After measurements of conditions of physically in-firmed, elderly, economically disadvantaged, etc.
  • Outcome: In two larger phases of development(..)
    Measurement Plan: User/participant feedback via centralized digital platform. Before & After measurements of resources required to provide shelter & food for project participants.

The populations we will benefit initially:

  • Adult
  • Old age
  • Upper middle income economies (between $3976 and $12275 GNI)
  • Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
  • Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)

The regions we will benefit initially:

  • Europe and Central Asia
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • US and Canada

The technologies we employ:

  • Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
  • Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
  • Management & design approaches
  • Mechanical engineering and hardware
  • Something so new it doesn’t have a name

Why our solution is unique:

'Why is your solution innovative? How is your solution novel in its use of technology? '
Leveraging of the infinite capacities of virtual/digital world(s) to minimize demand & destruction of our collective physical world. 

Why our solution is human-centered:

'How does your technology meet these values?'
Anyone dissatisfied with physical reality (physically in-firmed, elderly, economically disadvantaged, etc.) will be able to decrease their physical demand while simultaneously enjoying a virtually infinite canvas for learning, creating, lifestyle, & beyond.  Net effect to likely yield worldwide resolution of poverty, corruption, conflict, war, etc.

How people will access our solution:

Two phases of development (per https://www.virtualabundance.c...).
First, via re-configuring physical forms of shelter & food provision combined with leading edge internet access & immersive digital mediums (i.e. virtual reality).  Second, TBD.  

Affordable and accessible:
Eventual no cost via combination of:
1. UBI (Universal Basic Income) and/or re-allocation of pre-exisiting public subsidies (i.e. public assistance, welfare, section 8 housing, etc).
2. Phase two would enable leveraging initial, novel value proposition (physical rejuvenation & lengthened longevity) into flat-tax pricing structure (5-10% of net worth and/or income) whereby those with the most to lose from dying will be most motivated to contribute. 

Technology-Readiness Level:

1-3 (Formulation)
Business Plan

Our organization:

Not Registered as Any Organization

How we will sustain our team financially:

1. Apply to MIT Solve & utilize best enabling resources therefrom.
2. UBI (Universal Basic Income) and/or re-allocation of pre-exisiting public subsidies (i.e. public assistance, welfare, section 8 housing, etc).
3. Phase two would enable leveraging its initial, novel value proposition (physical rejuvenation & lengthened longevity) into a flat-tax pricing structure (5-10% of net worth and/or income) whereby those with the most to lose from dying will be most motivated to contribute to development. 

(Also submitted to various large tech moguls:  Jeff Bezos (,, ..additional planned.)  

The factors limiting our success:

Capital/Resources, Team 

How long we have been working on our solution:

5+ years

How long it will take to develop a pilot:

6-12 months

How long it will take to scale beyond our pilot:

18+ months

Our expected annual budget:


How much of our budget we've secured to date:


Our promotional materials:

Partnership Needs

We're looking for partners in these fields:

  • Technology Access
  • Human+Machine
  • Online Learning
  • General Wellness
  • Supply Chain Management

Why we're applying to Solve:

'Why are you applying to Solve?' 
Seems like a good fit. 

'What do you hope to achieve by becoming a Solver?'
Abundance Worldwide. 

'How do you take advantage of Solve?'
By applying.  

Our current partners:

Pending & Seeking talented partners..
..with a strong desire to manifest a paradigm shift of positive impact on our world.

Solution Team

  • Virtual Abundance Virtual Abundance, Virtual Abundance
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