Refugee Education


Sima by Kukua

A culturally relevant mobile game that teaches children academic and psychosocial skills

Team Lead

Lucrezia Bisignani

Basic Information

Our Solution

Sima by Kukua

Our solution's stage of development:


Our solution:

SIMA: a culturally relevant mobile game that empowers children to auto-master literacy & numeracy while improving psychosocial well-being.

Our pitch:

SIMA is a smartphone and tablet game designed specifically for Syrian refugees that takes children aged 5-10 on a magical adventure and empowers them to learn how to read and write while improving their psychosocial well-being.

SIMA is designed according to 3 key principles (illustrated here):

  1. Based on a rigorous learning path, designed specifically for children from disadvantaged backgrounds: built from scratch based on decades of on-the-ground research on literacy training in developing countries, the latest neuroscience regarding literacy acquisition and years of primary school teaching experience, SIMA’s curriculum is an innovation in and of itself.

  1. Game-based learning for a highly engaging educational experience: SIMA is an adventure game inspired by some of the best games in this space - from Super Mario  Donkey Kong and Angry Birds - paired with Disney-style narrative to bring magic to learning and create an intrinsically rewarding experience.

  1. Culturally-relevant content anchored in local storytelling, myth and folklore: our narrative, characters, music, landscapes, voices and educational content resonate with local learners, making it easier and more compelling for them to learn.

Behind SIMA is a diverse team of mission-driven entrepreneurs, game designers, cognitive psychologists and educational experts who are based across the Middle East, Europe and the USA. We designed SIMA with a user-centered approach, with the input from hundreds of target users in Lebanon and across urban slums and rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa.  

The problem:


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Why our solution will solve the problem:


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Target Outcomes

Our target outcomes:

The key impact and outcomes of SIMA will be:

  1. Literacy gains: Increased reading and writing skills

  2. Psychosocial well-being improvement: cognitive, emotional, social, physical well-being.

The regions we will benefit initially:

  • Middle East and North Africa

Solution Team

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