Presented with
Implementing Solutions

2023 Indigenous Communities Fellowship

How are Indigenous innovators in the US and Canada building upon traditional knowledge and technology to meet the social, environmental, and economic goals of their communities?

Submissions are Closed


Tunde Agboke

Director of Diversity and Workforce Public Policy, HP Inc

United States

Susan Alzner

Co-founder, shift7

United States

Gabriella Y. Carolini

Associate Professor of Urban Planning and International Development, MIT

United States

Starlee DeGrace

Global Diversity and Inclusion, Native, Indigenous & Workplace Engagement Leader, IBM


Andrea Delgado-Olson

Associate Director, Community Partnerships, Indigitize Computer Science

United States

Dr. Tyler Hallmark

Program Associate, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

United States

Alvin Harvey

Diné PhD Candidate, MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics

United States

Lauren Kelly

Senior Director of Programs, First Nations Technology Council


Janelle Knox-Hayes

Associate Professor of Economic Geography and Planning Head, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP)

Elizabeth Rule

Assistant Professor of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies, American University

United States

Michael Running Wolf

Founder, Indigenous in ML


Megan Smith

CEO and Founder, shift7

United States

Shannyn A. Smith

Innovator in Residence, MIT Innovation Initiative

United States

Larry Susskind

MIT Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning

United States

Jeff Ward

CEO, Animikii Indigenous Technology


Kristin Welch

Founder and Executive Director, Waking Women Healing Institute

United States

Technical Vetters

Pablo Listingart

Executive Director, ComIT

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